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It had been a while, maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks, but rex still sat lifelessly under dry-ar. He said he'd give his revenge plan some more thought, but he just couldn't be bothered to do anything anymore, he just wanted his pathetic life to be over, he wish he could just vanish, forever. Nothing but a forgotten life out in the void somewhere. Lucy and the others hadn't been bothered to search for him, and now he honestly didn't blame them. He finally liked being forgotten. After a few more days passed rex was starting to lean more towards his plan, he could just take off and have everyone suffer the same fate he had gone through, and then he'd maybe finally be happy. So after a while rex struggled up to his feet and climbed out of dry-ar to get to his ship, but when he arrived at the top he was surprised to see that the rexcelsior was gone. He panicked and spun around trying to spot if it was nearby anywhere, but all that remained was a pile of clothes. He was about to turn around and run back under dry-ar but he was greeted to an army of guards. Rex gulped and raised his hands in the air to surrender.

Lucy had just finished her breakfast and sat back down with batman and his wife, queen whatevera. The queen noticed the distant look on Lucy's face and gave her a sympathetic look. "Still thinking about emmet?" Lucy snapped back into the real world. "Rex." She corrected. "And of course I am, ill never stop thinking about him! I finally found him after all these years and now he's gone again." Batman and the queen shot each other a glance before confronting lucy again. "Haven't you gone out to look for him?" Batman asked. Lucy shook her head. "I cant bring myself to do it, I'm sure he's alright out there but I just, wish you guys would stop the search for him." She sighed. The queen snickered "lucy you know he has to be punished." Lucy didn't say anything but the queen sighed. "If he does end up getting captured, what if we had you look after him?" The queen proposed. Lucy looked up "you'd let me?" The queen bit her lip, thinking for a second before hesitantly nodding. "I know how much rex means to you, I don't want to get in the way of that." Lucy gave the queen a smile "thank you." The three sat together in silence for the rest of the evening.

Rex had been handcuffed and chained, he was being lead by the guards to the entrance of the queens palace. One guard handed one of Rex's chains to another guard so they could punch in a key code to the door. Rex struggled but the chains were so tight it was useless to even try and escape, so he relaxed and just let out a heavy sigh. The keypad lit up green and the door started to lift open. Rex had to admit he was surprised by the pretty sight of the kingdom, but he felt his whole body go cold when he noticed a few of his older friends were hanging out nearby. He was praying that they didn't know who he was. The guards pulled him inside and led him to the middle, where queen whatevera sat on her throne. The guards all bowed but rex decided to stand tall, but one of the guards slapped him over to bow, rex let out a low growl. "Queen whatever wanabi! We have captured the fugitive!" The queen smiled. "Very good! You all can put him in the prison for now." The guards nodded and tugged rex down a hallway. He shot a glance at his old friends who were staring at him, he couldn't figure out if they had looks of disgust or sadness. He quickly looked away, the last thing that he wanted was his friends to judge him after what they did to him. After some walking they must have finally arrived at the jail, it was very sparkly and honestly, not that bad. Sure they were cells but they looked fairly large and comfortable. Rex didn't know why they looked so cozy if jail was supposed to scare you into not committing crimes again. One guard took hold of Rex's shoulders, the grip was too tight for Rex's comfort, another guard came up and started unhooking the chains from Rex's neck and unlocked his handcuffs. He let out a relaxed sigh once the heavy chains were off. They pushed him into the cell and slammed the glittery bars shut. He gave one last look at the guards and turned to look at his new home. He had no idea how long his jail time was, but he didn't mind it. Just a more comfortable way to be excluded from the world. He started exploring around but was almost thrown out of his own skin when he realized he wasn't alone in the cell. There on one of the beds sat a pink ice cream cone who gave rex a unamused look. "Who are you?..." rex choked out. The ice-cream rolled his eyes and sighed. "Im ice-cream cone." He said in an accent. Rex cringed. Okay now this was punishment! Rex decided his best to try and ignore his jail-mate and sat on his own bed which had light pink covers and a soft fuzzy throw blanket. He hated the colors but just wanted to lay down. He got cozy under the covers and turned himself to face the wall.  A while had passed before rex was woken up by knocking on his bars. He sat up and squinted at the entrance to see lucy. His heart skipped a beat and he instantly fixed his hair and hopped out of bed. "Lucy! Listen I'm so sorry please i didn-." But before he could finish he was stopped by lucy who pulled him to the bars into a kiss. Rex was shocked at first but swiftly returned the kiss. It only lasted a few seconds before she pulled back and gave him a smile. "It's not just your fault rex, i... should have told you about the guards earlier." Rex gave her a smile and leaned against the bars. "So what are ya doin' down here?? Are you even allowed down here you rebel?" He smirked. Lucy rolled her eyes "the queen allowed me to be your caretaker, Im allowed to let you out for at least an hour but you have to stay with me at all times." She pulled some keys out of her pocket and dangled them in-front of the bars. Rex grinned as she unlocked the door and he stepped out. "Where are we gonna go?" He asked as she locked the gate and slipped the keys back into her pocket. "Well... theres a-lot of things we can do. Go to my place, roam around the kingdom, go to the spa..." rex thought for a moment before shrugging "lets just roam around, why don't ya give me a proper tour?" Lucy nodded and led her and rex out of the cell room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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