The morning to remembr

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It was a Monday night I was on the couch watching tv . I could hear my mother singing to my little brother james her sweat voce could soothe any one i mouthed the words as she sung . hush my little baby mothers right here she will keep u safe when the monsters are near . I rolled my light blue eyes man she really needs to Chang that song I thought to my self . I could here my mother walking down stares and silently closing his door . her long blond hair was in a massy bun her dark blue eyes with dark black bags under them . sighs hello haley . Hey mom I said as my gaze stared at the tv . u no haley u are nineteen now and . I new were this is going mom please stop u no I'm not ready . and why not she spat !!!!! u are 19 years old going on 20 in a month and u have no boy friend u no if your father was still here . stop !! never bring father in to this I'm not ready to start dating even if I was why would I tell u . my brown hair hung to my shoulders . and if father was here he would not force me to date and it's not my fAlt I work for the best corners office in bloods worth and being the best dam crime solver this worlds ever seen .

She gave me the look of sadness haley u no u are not a corner yet u are still an apprentice and it is not my fAlt for worrying about u and james after she said that she walked back to her room and cried .
I sighed as I looked back at the tv
It's been 3 months since my fathers death his name was dan Gartner and he looked just like me he had brown hair and green eyes . he was the sheriff of bloods worth every body loved him that's why when they found him dead in his car with stab wounds to the chest and a gun shot wound to his for head they started searching fast . my eyes filled with fresh tears but the killer was never found and now me and my family have to suffer wile the man who killed my father walks free with no pain . I will make shore that if we catch him I will make his life a living hell . I stood up and gently picked up my dog lucky . He was a black lab puppy with dark brown eyes . come on boy let's go to sleep I hold him and walk down the stares to my room . I sighed as I jumped on my blue bed and cuddled up to lucky and dreamed about my father my life what would of happened if my father would not of died . it all did not matter any more and I fell asleep .

Un solved the wedding that lasted till death do us  part book 1Where stories live. Discover now