I will catch this killer if its the last thing i do !!!!!

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After the sherif left all I could do was think . same wounds wedding day what the hell is this guy trying to pull . I was pushed out of my thoughts when I plate full of pan cakes was placed in front of me . I looked up to see my mother tears were about to spill from her eyes I could not take that look . mom ........ this got her to look at me more y.....yes .......... she stammered . I'm going to catch this killer and if he has some way knew are some how killed are helped the killer in any way kill dad then I'll make shore he stays and dies in jail . H... haley please do not talk like ... SHUTE UP !!!!!!!!!!! She jumped back scared . WHY CANT U SEE THAT THIS MAN COULD OF KILLED MY FATHER AND EVERY TIME SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPENS U RUN IN THE CORNER AFRAID OF YOUR SHADOW WELL NOT ME !!! I jumped from my chair and grabbed my coat and shoes and ran for the door . Haley !!!!! Mother called but I was long gone I slammed the door behind me and jumped in to my truck . I opened the door so lucky could jump in I closed the door after him and started up the car and drove out of the drive way and on to the road away from my home my mom . I had no idea were I was going I just had to get somewhere that I could think I drove for hours until I Parked the truck in front of the police station . I walked to the front desk were a women stood . she had short red curly hair with a mole on her nose . We'll hello haley how are u doing to day her British tone in her voce could make any one happy . hello miss Shirley I just wanted to know if I could see the wedding case that just came in and my fathers case . she looked sadly at me now haley u know we'll that I can't give u them with out your boss with u are deputy are sharif . I looked down please I'm off to day so I can't go in to the lab are the morgue till Friday . now listen your a young girl who needs to stop hanging around the died all the time now go are I'll have those nice young man pull u out she pointed at the door to see two older police man at the door . fine I sighed As I started to leave . when bam I had slammed in to something are some one . we'll well who we got here . I looked up to see deputy Aaron standing over me with his hand out . I'm so sorry I did not see u there . I took his hand as he pulled me up so why u here he asked stop let me try . he looked at me and sighed u wanted to files of the killers and miss lady over there did not give u them . I was shocked !? He could tell that by just looking at me I was just about to leave when he spoke again . sharif told me about your dad and how this case means a lot to u so I took the job of sending u all files and data of the body's and papers . I looked at him w.....why . he looked away sadly I lost both my mom and pa to a killer so I know how it feels to not get justice . but can I ask u for something in return . I sighed of corse can never just be nice and do this for free I pulled out my wallet and handed him 30 $ this is all I have right now so please . he laughed ahhhhhhh ahhhhhh u think ahhhh . what u want the money right . he smiled and took a step back . know I do not want the money . !? Then what do u what he took a step towered a me and now we were knows to knows a blush creeped on my face as I tried to keep my cool . I .... I want us to be friends .

( so did u guys like this chapter I wanted to make it long please tell me if it need some work and thx for every thing u guys next chapter will be up soon )

Un solved the wedding that lasted till death do us  part book 1Where stories live. Discover now