The new cop in town

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I woke up to the sound of lucky barking at the wind as if he was also sad . I sigh as I stand up and put on my cloths my brown hair hung loose just the way I liked it and I stood up . I could smell the sweet taste of my mothers home baked pancakes and purple grapes and milk . At least she's in a good mood I said with a side smile . and I put on my shoes and left down stares . hey mom I said as I jumped in to the first chair I could find . hello haley mother said as she placed the freshly made pancake on the plate in front of me . I breathed in the best air u ever smelled but that was when a nock came to the door . hello mother had called as she walked over to the door to see a man . the man had long eye lashes and deep brown eyes he had a big black shirt on with dark blue jeans and brown shoes . he looked at mother and gave her a big grin . why mister sherif what brings u to my home mother said in a mean tone that she hardly uses with any one. now now misses Gartner no need to be up an datum around me I'm just here to talk to u about dan . now stop it right there mister Conner u no that I do not want to talk about dans death in front of the children . he sighs Martha he's back the guy that killed dan her eyes went wide as her long pail hand slid over her mouth . how .... how could this happen she asked her eyes filling up with tears as she choked out the words . he sighed we found a body today it was a young girl around 22 she had just gone missing three days ago after ... he stopped after what I said jumping to the door slamming my mother to the side . After she did what I spate and why was I not told about this new body. he looked at me and stayed still I can't tell u he said but I can tell u what happened . Go on then a sigh came out of this lips . I'll tell u a deep but soft voce came behind him go on then I said never taking my eyes off the boy . He was fast when he went through it she was killed on her wedding day i stood back shocked she died after her wedding . so what dose my father get in to this case. We'll we found the same wounds on the victims body . and that she has the same marking on her ear like your father he said and that's all I no and can tell . Ok but may I ask who the hell are u . haley this is Aaron my new partner he is around your age he came here just last week from a town called Texas . I see I look at him with an evil look . his blond hair was a mess under his deputy hate and his deep soft ocean blue eyes held my dark blue eyes like daggers . hello he said wile smiling I'm Aaron and u must be the great haley he said with a smile . thx I said but I'm no weakling so leave me alone and do not think my boss will not hear of this and she shut the lights .

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