.::Elemental Steve X Time Steve::.

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I don't want to be the bad guy anymore I keep hurting Time Steve. This feels so worng as I'm pacing back and foruth in my bedroom in the In-Between just thinking how am I going to do this. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Elemental Steve we need to talk," it was him oh I'm not ready for this but I have have. I open the door letting him inside. "We need to talk you been hurting me and I want it to stop," he told me with anger in his voice. All I can remember was he hit me with his fist before I blacked out. When I finally regain my senses I was in my bed under the covers. 

Time Steve must have put me into bed after I blacked out. I heard him come in since my vision was burry I can barely see anything. "I'm sorry that I hurt you my anger controled me again" he told me beforw putting an ice pack over my burry eyes. "Don't beat yourself about it it's quite alright even though I can't see a thing." "Oh dear I'm sorry I'll make it up to you by doing this." He sighs before putting his lips onto mine. I was in shocked that I liked it? He pulled away before brushing my hair with his hand. I was about to fall asleep when Time Steve crawled into bed with me. Why does he even care about me we hate each other! Butterflies went all over my smotcahe as I think I am in love with him. I can't love I'm evil and he is good! Maybe it's best if we be together in serect so no body finds out. Just before I went to sleep he wishpered to me.

"I love you." "I love you too Time Steve." 

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