.::Lucas X Positive Steve::.

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Since my overprotective brother is dating Sabre now I figure to be even that I start to date his best friend Lucas. He isn't scared of me anymore after what we have done to him. I used my teleportation power to go to his house. Ever since I stopped being evil we became friends but now I want us to be lovers. I climbed over the rainbow stone power fence before using the secret entrace to the basement I made to sneak in to see him. By the time I reach the basement he was already there waiting for me. "Hello Positive Steve we met again my friend," I blush when he said my name.

"I thought you would never show up but here you are in all your gory. Listen I have been meaning to ask you," he got down on his knees before taking my hands. "Postive Steve will you be my boyfriend?" "Of course I will that's the reason I came here!" I was so happy I kissed him. "Also I found your brother's journel let's see what is inside." Of course it feels wrong but I want to know what he is hiding from me so we read it.

I'm so happy that I'm dating Sabre now! I'm very exicited that I'm going to take him to a art museum this weekend. Wow you never knew that we would be an amazing couple. I can't wait to start planing the date!

"Lucas are you thinking what I am thinking?" I asked him. "Yes we should have a date at the same art museum as Sabre and Negitive Steve for a date!" We both fell to the ground laughing our heads off. Oh boy I can't wait to see the looks on their faces once they know we are their with them. This is going to be a fun date!

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