Chapter 8:Ruri's birthday

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It was Ruri's birthday. Yuko was excited to give Ruri her birthday present. Just then Josh calls Yuko into the living room so they can set up for Ruri's birthday.

Josh:Yuko today is Ruri's birthday.

Josh said to Yuko.


Yuko asked.

Josh:Yes she turned 24 today. I wanna plan something very special for her though so can you help me?
Yuko:You can count on me Dad.
Josh:Thanks Yuko.

So as planned Josh and Yuko went birthday shopping for Ruri. Yuko was already excited to see her sister's face when she sees what Yuko gets for her. Just then Yuko's phone rings. She picks up and answers.

Kukai:Hey Yuko.

It was Kukai.

Kukai:Where are you and Josh this early in the morning?

Kukai asked his wife.

Yuko:We're out birthday shopping for Ruri. She turned 24 today and Dad said he wanted to do something special since he ain't got to have a birthday party for her since she left to study abroad years ago.
Kukai:That explains a lot I'll help you set up when you guys get home.
Yuko:Ok love you.
Kukai:Love you too. Bye.

As Yuko and Kukai get off the phone Josh and Yuko hear something.

Yuko:What was that?
Josh:It sounded like a woman screaming lets go take a look.

As Josh and Yuko go to where the scream came from they see a robber in the store telling the woman at the cash register to give him all the money.

Yuko:Dad we gotta do something.
Josh:Agreed. Yuko do your thing.
Yuko:With pleasure.

Yuko agreed while punching the palm of her hand.

Yuko:Hey there friend.
Robber:Who are you?
Yuko:Your worst nightmare.
Robber:Hehehe you think I'm scared of a little girl.

Yuko then summons a Rasengan in an attempt to scare the robber but it doesn't faze him.

Robber:You think that little ball is supposed to scare me hahaha.
Josh:Well Yuko you know what to do.

The Robber continued to laugh.


Yuko shouted as she thrusted the little ball of energy into the robber knocking him out.

Cashier:Thank you so much.
Yuko:Anytime Ma'am.

Just then the Manager came out and said...

Manager:Tell you what just because you saved us from that terrible man.You can have anything you get for free today.

Josh and Yuko got everything they needed and they headed home thanking the Manager for everything. When they got home they immediately started decorating for Ruri's party with the help of Kukai and Kokomi. When they were done Josh told Yuko to go get Ruri and she did so excited to see her face when they surprise her with the big party they're having for her.

Yuko:Ruri wake up.
Ruri:Morning Yuko what's up?

Ruri asked her sister.

Yuko:Come downstairs we have a surprise for you.
Ruri:Ok. Do you know where my glasses are?
Yuko:Here you go.

Yuko led Ruri downstairs excited. When they got downstairs it was dark so Ruri flipped on the lights and everyone popped out of nowhere yelling "Happy Birthday Ruri!" Ruri's face filled with tears of joy as she hasn't had a birthday party since she left to study abroad.

Ruri:Daddy did you and the others plan all this?
Josh:We sure did. Do you like it?
Ruri:I love it.

Ruri hugs her father, then she hugs her sister, then she hugs everyone else who surprised her. Josh then brought the cake out and everyone sang happy birthday to her. Then she started to open her gifts. Josh's went first.
As Ruri opened it she saw that it was a new guitar.

Ruri:I love it Daddy!

Ruri said as she hugged Josh. Yuko's gift came next. Ruri began to open the gift. It was an Iron Man Pop Figure.

Ruri:Thank you Yuko!
Yuko:Your welcome.

Kukai's gift came next. It was a PS4 with the 2018 Spider-Man game.

Ruri:Thank you Kukai!
Kukai:Your very welcome Ruri.

Kokomi's gift finally came last. It was a Karaoke machine.

Ruri:I've always wanted this.
Kokomi:I knew you'd like it.

Ruri then hugs Kokomi.

Ruri:Thank you Mommy!
Kokomi:Your very welcome.

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