Chapter 1

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Need the definition?
Worst place to ever exist. Who ever created a school obviously needed a better brain.
I sit in the uncomfortable hard plastic chair waiting for the the mini quiz to get handed out. I obviously did not study. I got busy with work last night as usual.
I quickly grab a pencil out of my backpack as soon as I see the teacher pick up a pile of half sheets of paper I presume to be the mini quiz.
I quickly zip up my bag then hear the door handle turn then the door open. I look up since the door is right in front of me and see a tall, slim, messy brown hair boy walk in the room.

"Sorry I'm late. I'm new here." He hands the teacher a small piece of paper.

"It's all right," she replies quickly.

"I'm Daniel by the way."

"Welcome Daniel, I'm Mrs.Sanderson. The class is about to take a mini quiz but of course you don't have to."

"What's the topic?"

"We are currently discussing World War 2," she says setting a piece of paper on my desk. I look up and catch Daniel looking at me with a gentle smile.

"Oh I learned that last semester at my old school," he says kind of quietly.

"Oh then you can just take a seat here and can read if you want," Mrs.Sanderson replies putting her hand on the desk right next to mine.

"Ok, thank you."

I start on the mini quiz. I have no idea what the answer is to any of these questions. I start tapping my pencil because I'm getting anxious. I hear other people stand up and turn in their quiz.

"The war started on September 1st of 1939." I look to where the finger is pointing then up to the new boy. His eyes are so mesmerizing. I quickly look back at my paper and write it down. "Franklin Roosevelt was the President," he whispers again pointing to the next question. One more question.
Who won the war. "What country are we in?" He says and I quickly jot down the United States. I walk quickly to the table where people have been turning in their quizzes and walk back to my seat.

"Thanks for the help," I say looking at Daniels bright blue eyes. I can't help but stare. They are so beautiful. "How did you remember all of that?"
"World War 2 has always caught my interest I guess," he replies.


"What's your name by the way?"

"Oh I'm Riley, sorry."

"It's ok. Nice to you meet you Riley," he says smiling. I smile back then look up at the board.

~After Class~

"Hey Riley, what's your next class?"


"Me too!"

"Cool, then you can just walk to class with me."

Once we get to choir, I show him around then we go and sit in a couple chairs.

"Hey Riley!" I look up and see my best friend, Lanae, right in front of me. "Who's this?" She ask with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh this is Daniel. He's new."

"Hi Daniel, I'm Lanae aka Riley's best friend."

"Nice to meet you Lanae."

"Hey Jack!" I hear Lanae call over her stepbrother. He looks over at us while one of his friends is talking. He glares at Lanae then rolls his eyes.

"What do you want," he whines as he walks over. He's always over dramatic.

"This is Riley's new friend Daniel," she says as we all turn our heads towards Daniel.

"Oh hey I'm Jack," he quickly says.

"Hi." Things get quiet for minute.

"Ok everyone get into a group of three or four people and warm up," a loud voice says. Mrs.Brisk.

"Hey do you guys wanna be in a group?" Lanae asks looking towards Daniel and I.

"Sure," Daniel says as I just nod my head.

We go and work on some harmonies and vocals. Daniels voice is so beautiful when he sings I almost started crying.

~After Class~

Daniel and I are walking through the hallway. I feel like everyone's staring at me. I start walking faster. Once Daniel realizes, he catches up.

"Is everything ok?"

"Oh yeah just feeling kind of anxious." A lie. Normally no one notices me, but now it seems everyone notices.

"Ok.." his voice fades with the loud noise of people talking. We continue walking to our next class.

~After School~

Daniel taps my shoulder once the bell rings.

"How do you usually get home?" He ask as I'm shoving my books in my bag.

"I drive my car."

"Oh can you give me a ride?"

"Oh yeah sure." I say excitedly. We walk out to my car. We are both about to get in until Lanae runs up to us. Her long wavy hair bouncing in the wind.

"Hey Riley can I get a ride home?"

"Oh sure you'll just have to sit in the back if that's alright." She looks at Daniel with a huge grin on her face.

"Oh that's ok," she says smiling. Why is she so happy?

I decide to drop off Lanae first. I know where she lives so it just makes it easy. "See you tomorrow!"

"Bye!" I say as she closed the door. I wait till she gets up to her door and walks inside before asking Daniel where he lives. "So where do you live?"

"102 North Avenue."

"Ok." We don't talk. I really want to say something but I don't know what to say. Once we get onto North Ave., I start to slow down and look at the house numbers.

"It's that one," he says pointing a brown and white house with bricks. I pull into the driveway. "Thanks for the ride and showing me around today."

"No problem. Glad I could help," I reply with a simple smile. We look into each other's eyes. I can't get over how beautiful his are. They are such a bright blue.

"See you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah definitely."

"Well then..." his voice trails off. "I'm not really good at saying goodbye," he says kind of laughing.
I laugh a bit.

"Have a good night Daniel."

"You too Riley." He smiles then unlatches his seatbelt and opens the door. I watch him walk inside before I leave.

On my way home all I can think about is Daniel and his cute smile and amazingly mesmerizing eyes. And that's when I get knocked out.

Persistent // Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now