Chapter 2

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I wake up in a hospital bed. The smell of medicine fills the air. I turn my head and feel a strike of pain go from my neck to my back. A whimper leaves my throat. I eventually turn my head to face a bedside table. There's two cards with my name written on both. I move my arm to grab them. I feel even more pain but only in my back. One is in a yellow envelope and the other in a bright pink one. I open the yellow one first.

Dear Riley,
I feel so bad that this happened. If only I had said something to make you not leave as soon. Then none of this would have happened.

I stop reading and already know it's from Daniel. Even if he had said something I would have still thought of him.

I will come visit once I'm able to but only family right now. Hope you get better soon.


A nurse walks in with a rolling cart with a tray of food.

"Oh good you're awake. Here's some food." She rolls the cart to the side of the bed and picks up the cards and sets them back on the table. Seriously. I stare blankly at her as she puts the tray on moveable table thing that's built onto the wall. I've never seen this before. "These are new. They built them to prevent hurting the patient while they have a tray on their lap," she says before leaving.

"Wait." She turns her head back to me. No emotion in her face whatsoever. "When am I able to have visitors?"

"You are able to see your family right now if you would like."

"What about friends?"

"I will have to ask your doctor. Eat up," she says then opens the door and lets it close behind her.

The food has no smell at all. Jello and Mac&Cheese. I pick up a single noodle with my fork and try it. I almost want to barf. I set the fork down then open the Jello. I loved Jello as a kid. I take a tiny bite with a spoon and try it. It's not too bad so I eat about half of what's in the container. I move the thing mounted on the wall to the side and pick up the cards again. I open the one in the bright pink envelope.

Omg I can't believe you got hit!! I'm going to punch the dumba** who hit your car!

Lanae always censored part of her words in writing if she was writing swear words. I never know why.

Call me as soon as you can. I will be there once they allow other visitors. I hate how you can only be family to visit the first few days.
Well talk later.

Lanae <3

I hold both the cards in my hands. The one from Daniel says, "Get Well Soon" inside a giant heart. The one from Lanae is homemade and says "I Miss You More Than Anything Bestie!!!!!"
She's always made cards. I have cards from her since the sixth grade that she made. I look at both cards once more then put them back on the table slowly. Suddenly I feel an urge of tiredness sweep over me and I close my eyes.

I wake up to my parents and a doctor staring down at me.

"She's awake!" My mom says with tears in her eyes shaking my dad's arm. I rub my eyes with my hand. I feel pain in my back again but it doesn't hurt too bad.

"What happened?" I ask just realizing I only remember getting hit.

"You were hit by a dump truck."

"How come I feel so much pain in my neck and back then?"

"Your car was pushed way off the road as they were coming from your right and you jolted and were found with your back bent forward," the doctor says sternly as he is typing on his computer. I look up at my mom and her eyes are filled with tears.

"When will I be able to see my friends?"

"Possibly tomorrow."

"Can I check my phone?"

"It would be best if you weren't bent over looking at your phone," my father says with a look on his face. It's the look he always gives when I do something dumb and ask for something. I didn't do anything dumb though. I was the one who was hit.

"Last question. Is there anything good here I can eat?" I get stared at by both my parents and the doctor. "What? The food here isn't that great.." and right as my voice stops I realize I shouldn't have said that. Especially with the doctor in the room.

"You get what you get honey," my mom says mid-sobbing. Her voice trembles and I almost want to cry. Not only because I'm hurt in pain but because it just hurts seeing people sad. Sad because of me.

Later on dinner is brought and it's chicken and peas. I hate peas. They aren't even real. They are all clumped together like someone just turned over the container and they came out. Disgusting. The chicken tastes ok. I'd rather have chicken nuggets from McDonalds.

I don't understand how I'm so tired when I'm injured because I fall asleep again. Why can't I go to sleep this easily on school nights? I have no idea.

It's finally the next day. I feel super sore, but not as bad as yesterday. I look over and see another card. I don't have any idea who it could be from but I grab it. My back doesn't hurt too bad. This time it's a light baby blue envelope. I open it to a pink card with balloons. It reads "Get Well."


Hey it's Jack. Lanae told me what happened and it hurts to know this. It may not seem like I care so much at school, but you are so sweet and I hope you get better soon. Just know if Lanae ever annoys you, you can rant to me about it. Just be prepared to hear me rant after because I have lots to rant about too. Lol.


Did Lanae tell him to write me a card or did he do it out of kindness? Who knows. I've always liked Jack. Not like like him, but to the point where I would count him as a good friend. I just never knew he felt the same until reading that card.

I set the card down as soon as the doctor walks in.

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