Chapter 3

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"Can my friends visit today?"

"I came in to check on how you are doing and if you are doing well, then that's a possibility." I smile while he types into the computer. "How do you feel today?"

"Well when I woke up I get a bit sore, but I don't feel that bad now. When I move my arm my back doesn't hurt as much."

"That's good."

"What happened to my car?"

"Well the dump truck wasn't going too fast, but fast enough to smash the whole right side of your car. The passenger and right back windows were shattered. You got some stitches in your right shoulder and one behind your ear," he explains while looking at me. I move my right arm to feel behind my right ear and feel the stitches.

"How fast does it take for stitches to heal?"

"Depends how big the cut is. The one behind your ear won't take too long nor will the small ones on your shoulder. Probably just a couple weeks."

"That's good," I say trying to lighten the mood.

After awhile, the doctor walks out. At least five minutes later my parents walk in. They were probably outside waiting the whole time for the doctors approval to come in.

"We hear you are feeling better," my father says to me with a small gentle smile.

"Yeah I don't feel as sore."

"There's a few people in the waiting room waiting to see you," my mother says quietly.

"Can they come in?" I quickly reply.

"If you are ready then yes."

"I am."

My father walks out while my mother stays. We talk for not even a minute and my father comes back in with three people walking behind him. First is Lanae. Then Daniel, and lastly Jack. I can't help but smile when I see all them. Especially seeing Daniel.

"How are you feeling? Do they treat you right? What's the food like? Are you comfortable?" Lanae piles questions on top of me.

"Jeez Lanae you're stressing her out calm down," Jack stops her from saying any more.

"Sorry, it's just things aren't the same without you at school. Everything's.... quiet."

"All my classes are super boring and lonely without you.." Daniel says quietly. He looks so innocent and it makes me feel so bad that I can't be at school.

"If you need anything, we'll be in the waiting room," my mom says as her and my father walk towards the door."

"Sounds good Mrs.Breeze," Lanae replies. They open the door then walk out leaving it a crack open. "You never answered my question on how you're feeling."

"Oh I'm just a little sore but I'm feeling better than I was yesterday."

"That's good," Daniel says with a small grin.

"Sorry to interrupt, but where's the bathroom?" Jack questions.

"There should be one over there," I say pointing toward the left of the door. "Otherwise I don't know I've slept most the time."

"Ok thanks." He walks to where I pointed. A door opens and closes then I hear it lock.

"He must have found it," Lanae says giggling.

"How badly are you injured?" Daniel asks out of the blue.

"I got some stitches in my right shoulder and I think one behind my right ear and then just some back and neck pain."

"Ouch," Lanae says with a worried expression on her face. Suddenly Daniel looks at her then they both look at me. "Hey is vending machines here? I was too excited to see you I completely forgot to eat today."

"I have no idea I'm sure there's one down the hall," I say confused.

"Thanks I'll be back in a few minutes." Right as Lanae gets to the door, Jack opens the bathroom door. "Hey you hungry? Come help me find a vending machine," she says to him then grabs his shirt and pulls him out.


"I just wanted to thank you again for helping me on my first day here. I thought it would be hard finding someone who would help me."

"Well we can both thank Mrs.Sanderson," I say with a smile.

"We? What do you mean we? How'd she help you? She's the one who put me next to you?"

"Yes, and you helped me with the mini quiz. The whole day I had someone to talk to. Yes I have Lanae, but I don't have every class with her."


"Yeah." And that's when a huge thought pops into my head. "Hey do you have a girlfriend?" Well shit. Now he's going to think I'm crushing on him. Am I? I don't know, but that's what he's going to think.

"No actually." He pulls over a chair and sits down. His hands shake a little. I try to sit up. Pain goes all the way down my neck and my back. I wince. I look up at him and see him staring at me. "You probably shouldn't sit up like that if it hurts."

"It's fine." I look at him. He looks like he's about to cry. "Is everything ok Daniel?"

"Oh yeah it's just seeing you in pain is just a lot to take in I guess. I mean I've only known you for a couple days but you were the first person to show me around and seeing you hurt just brings a lot of pain I guess. Sorry I get super emotional with this stuff."

"Oh I totally get it."

"You do?"


We sit in silence. I lay back down. The pain strikes again, but once I relax it's not as bad.

Suddenly Daniel stands up.

"Do you think they're coming back?" I ask concerned.

"They probably never found a vending machine and left."

"You can go if you want."

"Are you sure?"

"If you are bored and don't want to be here, I completely understand. I would feel like that."

"I'm kinda bored, but I want to be here." He steps close to the bed and puts his hand on top of mine. I feel the warmth of his hand. "Your hand is really cold."

"My hands are always cold," I say laughing a bit.

"You look really tired."


"I think you should sleep."

"Will you come back tomorrow?"

"If you want me to."

"Please!!" I make a pouty face. That suddenly makes him smile. The gap between his two front teeth is so cute.

"Then I'll be back tomorrow then," he says still smiling.

"See you then."

"Yup." And just like that the warmth of his hand is gone. Once he gets to the door he looks back at me and smiles. I couldn't help but smile back.

Persistent // Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now