Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Ella May's POV

The ice in my Chick Fil A cup jangled when I picked it up from my desk. It was my off period, the one right after lunch, and I was sitting in Logan's classroom with my feet up on my desk finishing the rest of lemonade. Since Logan was a very new teacher he didn't have that many classes, so he had two conference periods, one during fifth period and the other during eighth.

"I'm still mad that you knew before me," Logan pouted while doing some work on his computer. We were talking about my friend's engage. Logan was usually the one we told things to, but Enoch had confided in me instead and now Logan was grumpy.

"I'm just amazing," I joked. "Everyone wants to talk to me. Don't take it personally it's a celebrity thing." Logan snorted and pushed his drooping glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Yeah right." The dry noise of my straw fruitlessly searching for more delicious lemonade made me put it down and smirk at my teacher and big brother.

"I really don't appreciate the attitude Mister." He rolled his eyes for the nth time, not taking his eyes from the computer.

"Me? Attitude. That is definitely you my friend." I nodded.

"True, but I learned from my best friend." Finally he looked up at me with amused eyes.

"You learned it from me, huh?"

"Nope. Sarcasm," I said matter-of-factly. We were so absorbed into our conversation we didn't even hear the door open.

"I thought that was my spot," he pouted with obvious fake hurt in his voice. I smirked.

"You can have it back if you do something special for me," I smiled suggestively. He knew what I was asking. I'd been begging him to go on a date with Freddie sense forever, but he was always dodging it. I wasn't sure if he was scared, didn't actually like her (which was a very slim possibility), or if he didn't want to ruin their friendship. Either way, he needed to grow a pair. He opened his mouth to reply, but before he could a soft voice cleared their throat. We both looked up, startled.

In the doorway of the room stood Elizabeth Montoya, a super sweet girl who was also the captain of the cheer team. She shifted on her feet uncomfortably, looking inquisitively between us. Her hair was half up and half down, the chocolate waves cascaded down her shoulders and over the cardigan on top of her delicate, white tea dress. She was positively adorable and had a huge crush on DD. It had been going on sense as long as I could remember( which I guess technically isn't that long sense I was hope schooled until sophomore year). It was weird really. Why would a girl like her, so adorable and nice, want to go out with the "bad boy" of the school. It didn't make sense to me and probably never would, but who am I to judge.

"Oh, hello there, Eliza," Logan said chirpily. Too chirpily. He was probably concerned that Eliza would take our conversation out of context which many people did. Out in public a lot of the times we'd be asked if we were boyfriend and girlfriend which was gross and we made sure to adamantly tell them, no, we were siblings. I just hoped that Eliza wouldn't get the wrong idea.

"Oh, um, I was just wondering if I could take that test I missed last week." Hastily agreeing and setting up Eliza with her materials, the room was enveloped in awkward silence. It sat around us comfortably while we squirmed at its presence.

"I'm going to go, Mr. Clarke," I said after a few agonizing minutes. "I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded in agreement and I left the room. Once finally in the hallways, I let out a breath of relief. The bell was about to ring, so I decided to just wander around the halls a bit until I had to go to class. When the bell did ring, students poured from every door like ants from a kicked anthill. Someone I wished I didn't have to see came right out of the classroom closest to me. I turned ready to get out of there, but he called out to me. Why? Only God knew.

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