Chapter Five

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Song I like above. None of the songs or images I put on here are not mine. Btw.

Chapter Five: Ella May's POV

We had already had dinner and gotten ready for bed. I was still reeling from today's events. Everything happened so fast and so suddenly, it was like my world was spinning. I sighed and fell down onto my side of the bed, ready to fall asleep after the long day and last night's lack of sleep, but something told me I wouldn't be getting any. Sliding into bed next to me, Jeremy shut off his lamp light. Mine had already been shut off so, the room descended into darkness. I shut my eyes and tried to sleep, but I was so tired I wasn't even sleepy, if that made sense.

I yelped when a warm, muscular arm slid around my waist and pulled me towards the middle of the bed and into a warm chest.

"Relax," his sleepy voice murmured in my ear. He pushed the shoulder closest to him down asking me to turn over. I did and faced him. He was slightly above me, looking down with sleep hooded eyes.

"You didn't sleep last night did you?" I shook my head while he ran his fingers through my hair and gosh damn it, it felt good. It was like it was hypnotizing me to go to sleep. I leaned into his touch. Although this was uncommon, his behavior wasn't. Let me explain. Obviously we didn't just go around cuddling like this, but on the rare occasions Jeremy did become compassionate, he was a total teddy bear. He loved touching in any way, shape, or form whenever hate was at the back of his mind. Hugs, cuddles, kisses, strokes, touches. He was a real softy when he wasn't annoyed.

He continued to run his fingers through my hair, lulling me to sleep with his warmth and touches. His lips feather over my forehead, giving me a tiny kiss. His lips move to both my cheeks, my fluttering eyelids, my chin, and back up again. I sighed in contentment and slowly drifted to sleep on his nth time stroking my hair and his tenth round of kisses.

School was... interesting. I kept getting weird looks which was definitely to be expected. And also to be expected was that Jeremy and I had gone back to ignoring each other. Which was fine by me. Also, Eliza would walk with me to every class we had together which was a lot by the way. I hadn't even realized until she started talking to me more. She hadn't told DD about what happened which was grateful for. So in return, I decided to actually talk to her when she made an effort to talk to me. I knew it wasn't just pity that made her talk to me. There was no pity in her eyes, almost... sympathy? No, not sympathy. Empathy. Weird. I wondered what had happened to her to make her understand some of the things that had happened to me.

Today I wasn't wearing one of my regular please-don't-look-at-me sweatshirts because one: I had to wash it and two: it didn't really matter anymore anyways. I dressed in the most drab clothes to not draw anymore attention to myself when in reality I freaking loved clothes and dressing up. I guess I could start wearing more of my clothes now that I didn't have to worry about hiding. In turn, today I was wearing white, skinny jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt, and some Nikes. It wasn't much, but I didn't have any of my cute clothes at DD's house.

"Do you want to eat with me and my friend's today at lunch?" Eliza asked while we walked to economics. The question took me off guard. You see, as much there were weird things in this school, like the 'bad boy' being in musical theatre, there were still social cliques all around the school. Eliza belonged to preppy cheerleaders and jock cliques. I mean, her good friend was the captain of the football team for heaven's sake. So when the cheerleader asked the nobody to eat lunch with her, you could see how I was a little hesitant.

I wasn't a very trusting person, and you couldn't blame for that after what happened with me and my parents. Right now, there were too many bad things running through my mind, too many scenarios that could play through badly. I smiled timidly at the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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