Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: Ella May's POV

I had spent the night at Logan's place, not really up for seeing Jeremy again after what I did. I felt horrible. So, so, so horrible. I didn't really want to go to school either. I still couldn't believe I put my hands on him. I felt so guilty that when I got to school that day and bad things started happening, I didn't even mind. How could I mind when I was such a horrible person.

The whispers around me were like swarming mosquitoes. The mean words thrown at me were like paper cuts on my skin. Not that care what the kids at that school thought about me, but it just confirmed everything was in my head. They asked me why I did it, why I slapped the school bad boy. But of course I didn't answer them. Some called me names, other just shook their head in confusion. But nevertheless, I felt like crap. I couldn't sleep last night, and with the constant badgering, I couldn't really think about anything else.

The guilt of what I did was eating me alive. Some might think I was being dramatic, but to me... to me I wasn't. I wanted to go and find DD and tell him just how sorry I was, but with all the people around me, I wouldn't be able to do it properly. I was walking to fourth period, which was economics the period where Logan taught, and made a plan on how I was going to corner Jeremy to apologize profusely. But before I could get to him, a body blocked my way.

It was Karen Michaels, a girl who frequently hung around Jeremy and Zachary(Or Zach's nicknamed Bear). She was very short with pale, inked skin, with piercings all along her ears and one stud in her nose, matching mine. Her short, crimson dyed hair contrasted starkly with her icy blue eyes.

"May I help you?" I asked, wanting her to move out of my way. She scoffed making a motion with her head as if she were flipping long hair she once had over her shoulder.

"I'm here to tell you to leave Jeremy alone." I raised an eyebrow at her. When Jeremy wanted something, he did it himself. I'd known him long enough to know that. He wouldn't send this girl to do his bidding. I rolled my eyes at her and tried to step around her, annoyed with her presence, but she stepped in front of me again and put her hands on my shoulders, pushing me back slightly. I raised an incredulous brow at her. Did this girl just...

"I'm being serious, cripple," she sneered. I laughed humorlessly and sneered right back.

"Just because I'm a cripple doesn't mean I don't know how to kick your ass," I growled, making her step back. "You don't know who messing with, girl. You better scurry along before your ass is in the nurse's office." Her brow rose and her eyes squinted challengingly.

"Do you think-"

"That's enough you two," a familiar voice said. I thanked the Lord for my big brother. He walked slowly towards us with a displeased frown. Karen's face lit up with a blush. I rolled my eyes still ready to beat her ass.

"S-sorry, sir," she squeaked before walking off. I rolled my eyes once more and turned to my brother.

"Ugh, I wanna slap a hoe," I grounded out through clenched teeth. The hallways were practically deserted now because the bell had rung awhile ago. Someone must've pointed us out in the hall to Logan of he saw himself.

"She's lucky I don't have my switchblade," I mumbled. Logan chuckled slightly, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and guiding me back to class.

"Fights in these suburban, local schools don't play out how they did back at home. There are no punches or blades, hun. It's all blind slapping and hair pulling."

"Well, that broad's gon' learn real soon what it means to fight if she don't shut the hell up," I drawl, my usual precise words sloppy with the old way I used to talk, with slang and improper grammar.

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