Lettin' Loose

377 21 8

°(Y/N) POV°

I won't lie, as shitty as it was to be stuck in a small, post apocalyptic, quiet village every damn day, training for a hunt had to be the most fun thing bloodhounds had to look forward to.

It was the easy phase of everything, because you weren't actually on the hunt yet, and neither were you back at home waiting for the next session to be called.

My friends were probably the best part, seeing the same, dorky familiar faces every training day, sparring, joking, and talking major shit while were all high as a fucking kite.

The closer I got to the bloodhound grounds, I could hear music blaring from an old stereo speaker that Craig had found back on a previous hunt two months ago, and I smile, running the rest of the way there.

"Hey! Its little red!!" Lui threw his arms up and smiled like a dork, making everyone turn their heads toward me.
Everyone called me little red all because of my mother. She was one of the more rogue bloodhounds, always creeping out in the night whether it was a hunt or not. She would wear a red cloak that was always soaked in a bucket of hot water, pine cones, and  pine needles to hide the scent of her skin when she roamed the forests. It was quite charming to the rest of the village.
Until the day her and dad died.
That was the only thing they found of her.
That untouched, red cloak.

"What's up pussies!" I smirk, tossing my bag aside and fist bumping Bryce, Lui, and Craig.

"Where's your hood, little red?" Craig teases, tossing me a water canteen, and I roll my eyes, smiling.

"Still jerking off to this song?" I sit beside him on a log and flick his glasses.

"Hey, E-Dubble will always be a legend!" He chuckles, and I laugh, bumping my head to the beat along with him.

"Hey Bryce, you know if Ohm's gonna be here soon?" Lui asks, and Bryce nods, taking a swig from his own canteen.

"Yea, I called him up on the walkie, should be here any minute with Moo and Droidd."

"What about Scotty and Glitch?" I tilt my head and hand Craig his canteen back.

"Over here fuckboy!" Scotty calls from behind us, and we all laugh, Glitch by his side.

"Hola cabrones!" Droidd calls from the other direction, and we all holler, throwing our hands up as Ohm and Moo follow behind him.

These guys were like my other family, when I wasn't with mama Leila, I was with at least one of these clowns talking some kind of shit and causing some kind of trouble.

We all catch up a little and head to the main cabin, settling down in our usual rooms and heading to the basement to the gym we had put together ourselves.

"Yo Ohm spot me bro!" Craig calls from across the gym, and Ohm nods, jogging to the bench Craig's in and holding his hands under the bar for caution.

Glitch and I occupy the punching bag and Lui spars in the face corner with Bryce.

Scotty isn't much of an exercise enthusiast, but he does love learning new defensive tactics with Droidd and Moo.

"Hey (y/n)?" I hear Glitch from the other side of the punching bag, and I hum in response, practicing another high kick.

"You think Andi would've wanted us to be bloodhounds after what happened to her?" She ask softly, and though it twists my heart to hear her name, I huff, punching the bag hard enough to throw her off-balance.

"Glitch, whatever happened that day was nobody's fault. I miss her too, but even if Andi didn't want me being a bloodhound, I wouldn't just sit around and follow by that. I have a life I still have to live, and family to protect." I grip the bag, allowing her to take a swing at it, and she furrows her eyebrows for a moment.

"Family? What family?" She tilts her head slightly, and I almost feel my heart jump before I answer instantly.

"You guys, dumby." I smile, and she giggles, striking the bag again.

After a few more hours, we all have a quick dinner from whatever we can grab from the now empty cabinets in the kitchen, and we chill outside, laying down in a big circle, head to head passing a blunt around, already high, laughing and asking crazy ass questions about the sky and the universe.

"Dude," Ohm murmurs, his lazy voice down an octave,"what if this is all some fucked up simulation?"

"Wait, like, the matrix or some shit?" Glitch turns her head towards Ohm laying next to her, and after a moment of silence, we all burst into laughter.

"Alright," Craig sits up,"I'm tired as shit, I'm going to bed."

We all agreed to do the same and got up to head back inside, take turns showering and finally getting to bed.

Four more days.

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