The Call. Questions. Memories. And A Bit Of Sleepwalking

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Mia's P.O.V

I went to Eric's place. It was awkward. He got me something to eat as well before we left. He also t ok me to the store for food.

My mom loves this man. She was secretly engaged with someone when she left. She told me...

"I'm just going to tell your father about you. And if he wants to meet you I'll bring him to you.." but she never came back.

I stayed with her fiance, Todd, he was very kind. He helps me with my powers. And I can tell he loves my mother. But I knew her heart will always belong to Eric.

Sookie called and said she'll take me shopping tomorrow.

I was tired. Usually vampires don't sleep. But being a hybrid I'm like all you humans. I need sleep and I need to eat really food as well as blood.

"Um you can sleep in my room. Ok?" Eric said. "I'm bot being rude. But I don't think I'd be comfortable sleeping on the same bed that you've had sex on. My gifts all make me see it in my dreams." I said.

He looked uncomfortable.

"Oh. Well. How about... no... Well maybe... No..." I saw him grin. And I knew he was trying to make me smile.

I smiled and giggled.

"I'll get some sheets and put it onto the couch. Um I'll um order a bed for you. I have a spare room. But it's empty." I nodded. I put my military bag down.

I pulled out my pajamas. "Where can I change?" I asked. He pointed to the bathroom. So I took my clothes and my phone.

Hopefully if I try calling my mum she'll finally answer.

I put on my pajamas. And called My mum.

"'Hi. This is Nora. Sorry I missed you. Please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.'"


*Eric's P.O.V*

I put the sheets onto the couch and put some blankets and pillows on it. And that's when I heard her.

"*sigh* Hey mom. Well I'm where you should be. Where are you? Why haven't you picked up? I meet Eric I don't think he likes me very much. Please mummy. Call me. I miss you. I love you."

I heard her sad voice sigh agian.

Poor kid.

She walked out and she looked at the floor.

She so tiny.

"I um. Thanks Eric." She said. "You can um. Call me dad." I said. Kinda wanting her to call me that.

"I'll think about it. Good night." She said. She then got tucked in. I sat on a chair in front of her.

"Can I ask you some question?" I asked. She yawned but nodded.

"How old are you?" I asked. "I'm seventeen." I nodded. "Are you... are you seeing anyone?" I asked. I didn't like the thought of her with someone.

"No. No one would want to be with me. I'm not beautiful like mum." She said. "You are a very beautiful girl. Don't put yourself down like that." I said.

She gave me a sleepy half smile.

"Can you show me something with your powers?" I asked. She nodded. Her hand reached out and gently held my face in her tiny hand.

Memories flashed and I saw Mia and Nora. Mia growing up to the polite lady she was today.

Soon it all disappeared.

I looked down and she was passed out.

I sighed.

And turned the lights off. And went to drink blood.

But when I got back. I saw that the couch was empty. I panicked. "Mia?" I called. I heard footsteps and followed them.

I saw Mia her eyes were open.

"Mia?" She looked at me, and walked passed me. "I waved my hand in front of her eyes when I got close to her.

I grinned. She's sleep walking. I gently walked her to the couch and she laid down and he eyes closed.

I smiled and went upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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Daddy's Girl:  Eric Northman, True Blood X Vampire Diaries CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now