His Loyalty - 14

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Erica's POV

As I fnish closing the store, I sighed as I see the sun slowly going down the horizon. Very few buildings were blocking the view but I can still tell that the sun is going down since the sky is turning orange. I then left and went home to see Takeo happily sitting in the chair, playing on his phone that I bought for him last week. I decided to buy him one since he seems to have not any phone at all. I then waved at him.

"Takeo, do you like your new phone that much?" I ask him.

"Yup. Oh, Hi Erica! I was just playing a game. It's really fun!" He beamed. I nodded and started to prepare dinner for us.

"I have something important to tell you." I started.

"What is it?" He put his phone down on the table.

"I'll be leaving. I'm going on a quest to find a weapon. You can come with me if you want, or maybe you want to go to your hometown? Your free to do anything." I look at him seriously.

"I wanna join you."

"Of course you do."

"You saved me, so I shall follow you."

"Thank you, Takeo. How old actually are you?"


"80? You look very young." I finish cooking the stew and began to pour the contents in two bowls.

"In human years, I guess I'll be 8. I can actually change appearance, but It takes a lot of mana." I nodded. I then served his bowl and we ate in comfortable silence.

We then began to set off the next day towards the forest that is filled with monsters and creatures. We stop by the capital since we were just passing through it and we decided to stay at an inn there. We then slept and woke up and walked towards the direction of the forest.

I stopped and look at the sign that says "Adventurer's Guild." I decided to go there with Takeo to register as an Adventurer. As I walked in, strong, bog men, with scars, and body like a war tank, turned their heads to look at me.

I went to the front desk and applied myself. I then wrote my alias, and my class and then he did Takeo's. He made us touch a crystal as he nodded and wrote it down on our information. He finished and gave us a bracelet with our info on it. It also has a rank system by how good you are at completing your missions and how strong you are. The stronger you are the higher the alphabet you are on. A- means your the best. F- means your the worst. Me and Takeo are just 'F' on Questing but 'D' in strength. Im still not strong enough.

"Just put a drop of blood on the back part of your info and you eill never lose it. It will also determine if you died or your violating the rules of the guild. Please look at the Quest Board to get started." The male front desk person, pointed at the wall with a huge board as lots of people were looking at it and chattering on about the quests and stuff.

I then squished through as Takeo waited at a chair as I look for a quest. I chose an easy one which is just to collect the honey of a town near the forest we were going to. It was an easy task and there was no deadline so it was great. As I was about to go to the front desk, the familiar rose colored silky hair tied into a quick braid past through the doors, followed a long with the familiar gold blond hair, messy soft forest green hair, silky sky blue hair, and that wild fiery red hair. 'The Heroine and the love interest are here. I thought it'd be next year ti'll they go. What happened?'

I gulped and began to squeezed the paper from the quest I chose and look at Takeo. I then went to a dark corner where nobody noticed me and quickly wore my hood. I then walk to Takeo naturally and grabbed his hand. He flinched then noticed that it was me and silently followed.

We then told the front desk we would tke it and then we left to go to town. We used magic carpets to go there which we had a discount since we were adventurers. It was expensive. Half as expensive as my ring.

We flew through and it was almost night time when we arrive at the town. We stayed at another inn and we slept.

We woke up the next day and ate breakfast at the inn. It was like a home cooked meal after finishing your tiring class for today. It was warm and soothing to the body.

"Why were you wearing a cloak in the guild?" He finally asked. I looked over at him and smiled sadly.

"Friends of mine was there and I didn't want them to see me so I wored my cloak inside. We can't get caught." I held his hand firmly and looked outside the window.

"Seconds?" The owner of the inn and the chef who is a mom, asked.

I looked at her smiled. "Of course! It's so good!" I complemented. She beamed and went back to the kitchen. The breakfast was added with honey which made it sweet and delicious since this town was known for its great honey making for being near the forest that is filled with flowers and also strong monsters.

I then ate seconds as Takeo decided to explore the town. I gave him the earring so that we may communicate telepathically when we need to or want to. Just command 'Chat on,' and to turn it off is to command 'Chat off.'

I then went to a library in this town in search for more books and to learn more about the forest and monsters.


Hello my Dear Flowers!

Sorry if this chapter is very short!

This week and the following week will be slow for me to update since Im busy because an event will be coming up and It needs my full attention and dancing...

Im soo tired. But its okay!

Sorry for the long wait!

Bye Bye~


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