Weapon - 15

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Erica's POV

I stretched my arms and yawned as I woke up early and then went downstairs to get breakfast. We stayed at this town for a few days but now I think it's time for me to go find the weapon. I then saw Takeo sleepily rubbing his eyes and yawned. He sat down next to me and I rubbed his head as we continued eating.

I then took a bath and started to prepare materials to protect myself from poison or from the beast. Maybe I could tame one? I would be OP! I smiled to myself as I hummed a song from Earth. Takeo listened and I then looked at the inside of the ring to find evrything all packed up.

"Let's go." I commanded. He nodded and we began walking. I was wearing a black crop top, with a cool royal blue cape that looks like it's been ripped in the bottom but it isn't. Its just the design~
For the lower part, I wore ripped jeans and my trusty red sneakers. We then walk as I waved good bye at the kind inn lady who gave us some snacks for our journey.

We walked for ours and misquitos here and there would buzz around near so I burned it with my magic. I then stopped and grabbed my wand from my ring and listened closely.

"A group of Horned Wolves are coming. 5 or 6." I nodded at Takeo as I then prepare myself to attck them.

They then came out from the darkness. They were as big as my knee, they have dirty gray or brown fur, hungry red eyes, and sharped teeth with a horn at the top of its head. I smirked and changed my wand to my Kusarigama. My weapon that is a sickle attached to a very strong ribbon that I requested. It was dark violet and shiny. I then attacked one by swinging it to the neck of one of the Horned Wolves. They snarled at me for killing him and then pounced at me. I slashed, and dive away, then jump to a branch and another branch. I then change it to guns and started shooting at them. I was smiling and forgot that I was in a branch and slipped. I then heared running and a few slashes and silence. There were no snarling, nor running. Just the rustling of the trees were heard.

I look up from the bush I fell on and saw Takeo in a male teenager form. He looked really handsome even if he's still young. He could be a model. I then saw him put back gis katana and it disappeared like it was not there to begin with.

"You've grown up." I said as I dust off the dust from my clothes.

"Your too cocky. Don't forget where your standing." He reminded as he held out his hand. I grabbed it and smiled bitterly at what he said. 'Too cocky, huh.'

I then set out the tents as Takeo grabbed some wood and hunted some meat to cook. I sighed and looked around me. Takeo was no where near nor were there any beast around. I then stretched my legs and jumped up from branch to branch to reach the top of the tree. I saw a mountain to the East of us so I guess I am to go there. A few kilometers from here but it was alright.

I jumped back down and saw Takeo putting the wood in the circle of rocks that I found. There was no river near us so we couldn't take a bath or catch fish. So we decided to kill rabbits and collect berries and check in the book that I brought if it's poisonous. Takeo killed rabbits while I collected some wild berries with some magical properties, not harmful but weird.

I then ate some of the bread the inn lady gave to us, and shared some to Takeo. He was back to his kid form now so he went back to looking cute. 'I wonder how he changed how he looked.'

We then slept that night uncomfortable, taking shifts to check if we were safe or not. We started walking towards East where I saw earlier, the mountain as light started pouring to the sky. There were some fights here and there but there were nothing major. We arrived after a few days of walking towards the mountain, and made a campsite just far from it to avoid danger, but near it to quickly go there.

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