The Marriage - 20

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3rd Person's POV

Erica looked at the town. Many people wore smiles and they were happily chatting. She was wearing a hood that covered her face and Selena was following behind her wearing a hood as well. They were walking around as they bought some snacks and books in the village when Erica bumped into someone. Erica's hood fell off and the three males that followed her the girl that Erica bumped into, gasp.

"Im so sorry! Im so sorry!" The girl said. She reached out her arms to me to grab but I ignored it and stood up with the help of Selena. She stayed quiet like how Erica told her to do so.

"E- Erica?" A familiar male voice said. Erica turned and saw Rose, Prince Christopher, Harrison, and Robert looking at her in disbelief.

She smirked haughtily. "What brings you here in this very far village, far away from the capital?"

"Erica, were here to bring you back. Your parents are so worried about you." Prince Christopher suddenly said.

"Were you looking for me? I guess Im so special for you to look around for me." Erica cupped her cheek. "But I feel comfortable living a free life here in the village. You may tell my parents that Im well." I gestured my hands to make them leave but they didn't follow.

"Erica, let's go home okay? Your parents are so worried about you." It was Rose's turn to speak.

"Right. I bet they are so worried, that they let a bunch of heated dogs and a bitch running off, looking for me." Erica glared at them. "I suggest you leave me alone."

"Lady Erica, please do think about your parents!" Harrison spoke. She looked at him and ignored him.

"I best be going now." Erica curtsied to the prince as she saw a few villagers looking at their direction and started gossiping on whats happening.

"But Erica!" Rose grabbed my arm but I pushed her away.

"Leave me alone! Can't you see your making a ruckus! Im living my life her to the fullest and you want me back, following every order and command like a pretty bird in a cage! My whole life, I have been trapped, following every order, making evrything perfect, and now that Im finally free. You want to take that from me?" Erica yelled loud enough for them to hear it clearly. People were whispering and were thinking of things that maybe had happened between the 5 of them. Rise was taken aback by my speech and fell on the ground on her own.

"Erica! Look what you've done." Prince Christopher and the other love interest helped her up as Rose started crying crocodile tears. It was an ugly sight.

"Where's brother?" Erica looked behind them but didn't see her brother.

"Erica, apologize." The prince ordered. His dark crystal blue eyes were glaring at her.

Erica glared back, "Where's brother?"

"Apologize!" He yelled.

"She fell on her own. Not my problem. Where is brother. I wanna get this over with." She humphed and criss her arms on her chest in haughty, noble manner and continued goaring at them as they try to stop Rose from crying.

"He didn't join us in finding you. He was busy with other matters that's why he couldn't help us in finding you." Robert said.

"Good. Your much better than Prince Christopher. At least you answer when being questioned." Erica was about to take her leave with Selena on tow but stopped when Prince Chritopher spoke,

"Do you know of the prophecy?" Rose stopped crying and was now sniffling on the prince's hankerchief that he had given to her. Erica turned around and gave a very cruel, and bone chilling smile.

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