Part 15

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  • Dedicated to MY LOVELY ONES!

I don't care what they say

I don't care what they do

'Cause they all fade away

When it's just me and you

Well it's more than a crush an impossible rush

I don't care what they say when you're there

I don't care


"What," I ask, trying to sound calm, but on the inside, I am freaking out. Who told his ass? How'd he know? What I am going to do to keep him quiet?

"Don't you dare play dumb with me! You know exactly what I'm talking about! Jerry, Dylan, and your oh-so eager to talk ex-boyfriend all confirmed it!" You can't trust anybody to keep their mouth shut these days! All I wanted was to keep my relationship with Michael under the radar, in case it didn't work out, but obviously that's not possible. Last night and this morning is proving that my relationship with Michael is going exactly the way I want to go. I haven't told him this, but being Mrs. Kierra Jackson sounds pretty nice right now. I'd get to wake up to those gorgeous brown eyes every morning. Todd's nagging voice is interrupting my thought process though. Shit, what is he saying?

"... a freak."


"Yeah, I said it, Kierra. Michael Jackson is a freak. A weirdo. How in the hell can you date him," Todd asks. He did not just call Michael a freak. The only way Michael is a freak is in the bedroom. The soreness I'm feeling  is proving that fact right now.

"Todd, Michael is in no way a freak or a weirdo! He's perfectly normal and--"

"Girl, please. He's a recluse. Nobody knows what the hell he's doing behind those gates at Neverland. And then let's talk about Neverland. What grown man needs a full blown amusement park unless he's a creep?" The Devil has gotten his little red claws into me. Say what you want, but never insult my man. That's a no-no. Before I can control them, the words come shooting out

"My grown man does! It's his money. He can do whatever the hell he wants with it! And of course, he's a recluse, Todd! You wanna know why? Because of ignorant fucks like you always having something rude to say. Can't you just let him be? He makes me happy! Shouldn't that be enough for you to get over whatever you got against him?"

Todd chuckles at me. Is he trying to make me come through the phone and strangle him? Because I will, it's no problem.

"Be honest with yourself. Why do you really think he's dating you?" Is he really asking this question right now?

"Because he loves me," I reply. Duh!

"Loves you? Ha, please. He loves what you can do for him, sure." Is he serious right now? I swear, people will say anything to get a reaction out of you. Todd is grabbing for straws he can't even reach right now.

"Kierra, think here. You are America's favorite journalist. When you talk, people listen. If you told them that Michael Jackson really is human, then boom, he gets his rep back and his album sales will fly straight past God. And what do you end up with? Nothing, but a broken heart and empty promises." I can't take anymore of this bullshit. I knew Todd could be a bit mean, but this goes past that. This is just down right cruel.

"Bye, Todd," I say, hanging up the phone in his face. Out of all the people to say that to, Todd chooses me. I've never heard more ignorance coming from a person since that stripper at my last birthday. Todd knows how I feel about people insulting Michael. And, especially now! Now when I actually get to meet him, get know him, and fall helplessly for him?! Can he be more serious with his bullshit?! I don't notice how badly my leg is shaking until my leg starts to cramp. Or notice how hard I bit my lip until I begin to taste blood.

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