Chapter 1 Welcome to the Jungle

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This book is about my adventures here in LA, but its also about me coming into terms of who i am, and what it means to be a gay young adult in this world. It is about friendship, love, and what really is important in life. its about how my friends and I grow up after high school and follow our paths to our passions and goals. its about learning the lesson of life. just don't blow my cover i am supposed to be a superficial fashion designer! i am not supposed to act casual or have true feelings. hope you all really enjoy it! I know its a work in progress. if you have any suggestions at all for anything like something to add to the story let me know! and if you are lost cause ur not familiar with LA and need some clarification on stuff just ask i wont bite! also Chapter two is almost done and it will have talking and people! it wont just be in my well enjoy!!! and vote!!!!!!!!!! lol

Chapter 1


Living in LA to those who don't live here, see it as a glamorous place. Get all those images that you see out of your head. All of it is a lie. For one thing it really doesn't take that short of a time to get from point A to point B. I mean are you kidding me? Haven't TV producers heard of traffic cause apparently they are blind when they are driving through it? I have to admit there are beautiful moments here, but it only matters when you're with the right people, and at the right place. Like take my rule for example, my limit is anything above Pico BLVD is a-ok for me to travel too, but going below Pico BLVD is a huge no, no for me unless I am visiting my best friend. Oh wait! How rude of me, my name is Max. This is my story of how I see this fake place. Sometimes I think everything here in LA is fake. For example the trees, flowers and anything not human made. Well one thing for sure it's that the people are fake. You never know who your true friends are because even then they will surprise you by doing something out of character or even worse do something behind your back. The only transportation that really works here are cars. If you don't have a car, then you are screwed! Big time! Buses, don't even count on them. Subways only lead to north Hollywood and downtown. So there is no fast way to get to Westwood. Which is sad because Westwood and Santa Monica are the places to be! Especially Beverly Hills and Brentwood. If your gay like me don't hold your luck and think you can meet your one true love in West Hollywood. Trust me it is not the place to meet Mr. Right because it's more of the place to meet Mr. right now. But we will go more into detail where and how to find the right person after we get done with the approved locations approved by yours truly. If you plan on going to Malibu its your choice. I mean like the only people that really live there are D list celebrities who only seek attention. It's sad really but true. They think that because they live there more people will want to go and visit them because it seems so exclusive. Trust me its not really. Just go above Malibu for better views of the ocean. Especially Northern CA. Never I mean never go to North Hollywood and the valley! It's a dead end! Trust me I have seen pictures on the Internet. But a place even worse than North Hollywood is Venice Beach!!! Omg what a place for losers! No lie if you go there all you will see is trash everywhere, and medical marijuana houses. It's so retarded and not at all pretty to look at. There aren't even cute guys! Now that u have approved locations the next thing u need to know is that who u hang out with depicts who you are, so choose your click carefully because they determine your status quo. I mean you wouldn't want to hang out with people who are beneath you because eventually their looser vibe and ways rub off on you. Finding friends here will be very hard. Believe me I am still editing some friends as I tell you about this crazy place I call home. But where I have been able to find good friends so far are places like my work and school. If you have gone or are going to high school here, most of the people you call your friends wont even be there when you are out of high school. Once High School is over everyone changes. Sometimes they change for the better and they also change for the worse, but sometimes for the worse can be a good thing because then you see their true colors. Sometimes when you go to a favorite place of yours, you find people that share the same interest as you and you form this special bond. Even when you take the bus or some sort of transportation you find connections with people. I went to jury duty once and I saw that these two people started talking and I could see this special connection they had going on. You never know when or where you will meet these people, but when you meet them make sure that they aren't being fake and that they are true and genuine. So ok like now that we have discussed locations and friendship the most important topic is who will you date. Believe it or not dating here in LA is very different and difficult. One group that u should just stay away from are actors!!!!! Stay away from them! They are nothing but trouble. And if you had half a brain u would know why. If not take this into consideration, actors act. They can manipulate any emotion. If they are good of course, but either way its deadly. They let all those feelings take over and mess everything up. You will be living in Shakespeare's play 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and let me tell u it's a disaster. Please by any means don't lower your standards! I mean this is coming from personal experience from friends, but potheads and other local loadies don't make great boyfriend or girlfriend material. I mean sure out of the blue they say some bone head thing, and we all laugh but honestly no respectable person dates or even takes them seriously because they normally are selfish and care about getting the next high. You won't be in their number 1 spot. Don't waste your time in thinking that you can change them either because if you make them choose 99.9% of the time they will choose their means of high. Those two categories are huge red signals that it just won't work out and it will bring a lot of drama to your life. I mean your in LA don't complicate your life even more! Finding the perfect relationship partner here in LA is like finding the perfect diet that works for you. It could seriously take years. Well now that I have narrowed down your choice of picking the perfect date partner from like a billion to just those good hearted 1,000 people left in the city, your probably asking yourself, "where can I find them?" Trust me it really won't be at a club. Clubs are just for hook ups and first date disasters. The places to go are places you would go such as the book store, starbucks or even better Pete's Coffee Shop, movie theatres, the mall, restaurants (restaurants always hire hot waiters!) the gym, or when you go hiking in the Hollywood hills is also a hot spot for local hotties! The beach is a gold mine!!!! I hope you have luck hunting there. Believe it or not another great place to find hot guys are at the hardware store. Have fun acting like a damsel in distress in there! The first step is always conversation. Confidence is great because boys find it sexy! So enough about all of these advises and let's put them to practice or better yet lets see how my life plays out and learn new experiences to help me through life. I mean us! Gosh I need to stop being selfish! Enjoy the ride bitches.

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