chapter 11

897 16 9

* edited as of  7/22/23

* comment suggestions for different x readers pookies

* also read my gaster fic plsplspls i have so many scrummy ideas for it

(tw for very minor s/h, blood, derealization)

As you trailed behind Sans, you picked at the scabs on your upper arms, visible through the jagged rips in your sleeves. It was quiet, with Sans focused on leading and you focused on picking, neither of you had anything to say any longer. You winced, (e/c) hues looking at the crimson that oozed from the picked scabbed. Sans winced too, watching you from the corner of his eye. "Yeesh, birdie. Th' hell did you get yourself into while you were out here?" You could tell he was trying to seem lighthearted, but his hands twitched, as if he was resisting the urge to peel your hand away from your now open wound. You pursed your lips into a fine line, not even bothering to conjure a memory before you awoke. You shrugged, earning a sigh from Sans. He stopped in his tracks, kicking some silt from his slipper as he turned to face you. 

"Stop picking at it, (y/n)." He reached out a hand, plucking yours up from the jagged line on your upper arm that now cried red. He examined it with thoughtful pinpricks, brow bone seemingly creased with concern. "Hope you don't mind a few sick scars, 'cuz I can tell that's where you're going to get yourself." He laughed, reaching a hand to your face. You stiffened, until a gentle digit stopped, tracing a diagonal between your eyes and over your nose. "'Specially this one, It's pretty crazy!" A snort escaped him, and you echoed with some anxious laugh as you lifted your fingers to your face. A Scar...? On your face? You gave his hand a parting squeeze as you moved toward the closest pool of water, gazing down into the ripples of light blue. Sure enough, there was a gnarly line drawn red across your face. You hardly realized it until now. As you stared at yourself for longer and longer, you felt nauseous. You... really didn't recognize the face staring back at you. You had certainly lost a lot of weight since being on the surface, and the lack of sunlight had also taken a toll on you. You felt like you were looking at a ghost of yourself. Sans said nothing, but you felt an arm on your right shoulder. As your gaze shifted toward the touch, you froze. The face beside you was hardly skeletal, it was


But not. If you looked like a ghost, this you looked like a zombie. Sunken eyes stared at your reflection, mouth twisted into a smile. It was horrific to look at, but you couldn't tear your gaze away from them. The hand on your shoulder clenched tight, a feeling that sent shivers down your spine.

"(y/n), you sly dog! We weren't supposed to meet like this!" The voice, the one that had been stuck in your head from the moment you fell, rang out in your head. The flow of water and concerned calls of Sans had been replaced by the echoing voice of this... you. They spun you to face them, stepping back as if they were taking in every inch of you. "Surprise? I suppose." They snickered, throwing up their hands in false excitement. You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came. They laugh again, shaking their head "C'mon, I know you're speechless, but I think a 'thank you' is in order!" They reached out, punching your shoulder playfully.

"Thank you?" You wince

"You're welcome! You know, without my help that fish-faced freak would've done away with you for good. Then all of our hard work would be undone." As they spoke, it was slowly coming back to you. The guard who broke in and took you away... you...

"Killed her! So smart, (y/n). I'd expect nothing less of my successor." They took you by both hands, squeezing them gingerly. "Listen, I'm doing all the dirty work for you, I just need you to focus on getting through all of this. To do this, you're going to need to ditch ole' lazy bones, mmmkay? How long until he finally snaps at you like Undyne did?" Undyne... you didn't even get to know her name before you killed her. You yanked your hands away, folding them over your stomach as you stumbled back. You felt sick, bile burned your throat. "No! No... Sans and Papyrus won't hurt me! They're really nice. You're-- you're not me!" You cried, causing the other you's face to contort. They frowned, hissing as they lunged closer. They pulled out the blade from your pant pocket, dangling it in front of your face. "This is the only reason why you're not done for good, idiot! Stop acting like your saintly-ness is going to get you anywhere here. If humans can hardly respect a creature like you, how are monsters supposed to do that? You're an ANGEL, (y/n), have some respect for your blood." They seemed to grow more and more agitated as they spoke, rocking on their heels as they clutched the knife. Their eyes were alight with something violent... but in an instant it fizzled out.

"Our time is short, (y/n). Remember this talk. And remember that your monsters may not treat you so nicely when they find out you've killed their friend. On top of that poor, poor goat woman from the ruins." They smirked, tucking the knife back into your pocket and ruffling your hair. "Go on now, little duckling. If you want to go back home, you have to get going." Before you could get another word out, you were being pulled out of the stream by skeletal hands. Sans was exasperated, calling out your name in a terrified chant as he threw his jacket around you. Glazed (e/c) eyes fixed on the skeleton's face as you tugged the jacket around yourself tighter. Memories were flooding in your mind. 

Cutting yourself free from the ropes

Undyne returning and attacking you

You... attacking back...

The ashes...

"I have to leave."

Your response seemed to scare Sans more, as he teetered forward. "Birdie, don't be ridiculous. You need rest." He reached a gloved hand out toward you and a wave of nausea washed over you. You shot to your feet, eyes wide.


He jumped, scanning your face with an unreadable look of his own. You recoiled at your shout, throat burning with bile as you spoke again.

"No... I'm sorry, Sans. I need to go. Tell Papyrus... I'm so sorry." You took large steps back, gaze falling to the ground. The guilt was eating at you. Even if you didn't deserve to go home, you didn't deserve to take up space in their home. An angel who was worse than monsters, who thought it could be possible?

Sans started to speak, but you had already made a sharp turn on your heel, bolting off into the blue caverns of the waterfall. 

Echo flowers picked up your thudding footsteps and Sans's calls after you as you fled.

* heyyy i just updated like three?? chapters in the span of a few hours hee hee!!!

* be proud of me.

* and also i unpublished all the old chapters until i finish rewriting so the story falls into place better! mwamwamwa ily read my other stories plsplsplspls

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