My Motivation

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I began reading A War of Witches; by Timothy Knab. The experience of Tim Knab, The Outsider, and the two people whom The Outsider investigated, Doctor Her, and Doctor Him, motivated me to write my visits to the realm of the dream. The Outsider learnt from the two doctors about The Realm of The Dream as tantamount to The Realm of The Death; first, from anecdotes; from both doctors, and secondly; from the intimate exercise of writing a journal dedicated to The Realm of The Dream:The Death.

I am now intrigued with writing my experince with The Realm of The Death:The Dream. I, unfortunately, have no ancedotes, no journal, or No Visits, as I express my intrigue now, to The Realm of The Death:The Dream.

May this exercise of writing, here on wattpad, be the beginning of my intimate experience with The Realm of The Death:The Dream. . .

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