Chapter Four

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Grace had both of the twins cramped in her single sized bed for the next week. They refused to go anywhere without the other too far behind and had adopted the habit of tugging each others shirt or hands whenever they wanted to go somewhere.

After the first day, Katherine had constantly attempted at making amends, although her weak attempts at a conversation usually failed. Simply stated, Grace just didn't want to talk to her. The woman was irrational and spontanious, which had never been a good mix.

Whenever Emili dropped by with the basket of food and toiletries, her visits were quick and lacked social qualities. So when Alsiah finally made an appearance, Grace was glad for the distraction. "Alsiah, you've been gone for so long. I was worried," She gently pulled the woman towards the stool and Alsiah sat down, grateful for a quick break for her aching knees.

Grace sat on the floor with her legs crossed, her book resting in her lap.
         "Oh hun, don't you worry. My visits haven't been as frequent because of the rounds that the special department has decided to make," Alsiah shook her head sadly, her braid was pulled over her shoulder and had been done up tightly to ensure that it stayed up for the entire day. "It's been a real pain. They've started checking basements." "But that means they will check down here," Grace felt her shoulders tense as she glanced over at Jace and Connor, hoping they didn't notice the sudden tension in the room.

They were more observant than they were given credit for. Grace continued in a whisper, "We aren't safe here."
         Alsiah smiled kindly and waved her hand in front of her face as if she were dismissing the idea, "I doubt they will even stop by here and if they do, we have a plan. Like always."
        "When do you think they will be moving on to the next town or city? Maybe a day or two?" Katherine had put down the book that Grace had leant her and she stood behind Alsiah, hands clasped together in front of her. "Of course, Katherine. Although I honestly doubt it will even be that long. You know how they never find anything here," She smiled at Grace. "So how's the baby?"
         Katherine smiled and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, "Well, actually. I assumed there would be some kind of obstacle, as there usually is with things like this."
        "Any kicks yet?" She smiled eagerly, the excitement between the two women was contagious and Grace soon found herself holding back a small smile.
        "Not yet, but I think there will be one soon," Katherine had her left hand rubbing her growing stomach. "Apparently they start within the first 22 weeks."
       "I can't wait, I may just be as excited as you are!" Alsiah beamed, taking the woman's hand in her own. "And if you need to talk, I'm always here to listen. Even if it's just the hormones putting words in your mouth."

Grace noticed Alsiah wink, although she assumed that they were going to continue the conversation for quite some time, and figured that it was time to excuse herself and go back to reading her novel.


"Grace?" A voice cut through her thoughts and she looked up to see Alsiah looking down at her quickly before sitting on the bed beside her. "Oh, hey," She folded the corner of her page before closing it and setting it down on the old nightstand. "Katherine told me about what happened the first day," Alsiah sighed and hugged Grace, who had suddenly gone rigid. "It wasn't a big deal, just surprising," Grace had mastered the art of lying by the age of twelve when she told Emili that she no longer wanted to go outside.
          "I bet it was. You know that you aren't a prisoner in here, right?" The woman smiled slightly. "If you ever want to go out into the yard I think when things calm down in a few weeks we can go together." Grace shook her head vigorously, "Thanks for the offer, but I can't. It isn't safe and the twins already have a hard enough time just thinking about it."
          Alsiah smiled again, although this time she barely lifted the corners of her lips, "Okay."

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