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Scutter, scutter
You ungrateful men
Throwing food away like refuse
I eat your trash
Yet I do not complain
Idiots like you sustain my life
I wear a mask to hide my innocence
From your egos
I have paws like yours
But now on the body of a creature that does not destroy the world
I have a tail, striped by your impact
On my world, now reliant on trash
The refuse of your society
Is now my sustenance
I am desperate to survive in your chaotic cesspool of existence
Your descent into oblivion
Which you drag me into
Sooting my body
Greying my hairs
I die a bit more everytime I breathe
As do you
Yet you consider yourselves the gods of the god that birthed you
Fools to the slaughter of your own making
Butchers of truth and righteousness
All of which you discard
And I consume.

Looking At Nothing (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now