Flowers are perfect

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Sorry i haven't updated in a while, i have been in collage and the exams are going to start so i have been studying a lot. So forgive me. also enjoy

Y/n P.o.v 

After the talk with Moon, she offered me to go talk to Art or Code, and i thought that would be a really good idea because Code knew how actually knew how to teleport to different Au's perfectly even if shes never been their before so....maybe i could, as for Art she knew to make sure the Au i am going to, well is safe. I deiced to go to Flowertale to talk to Flower to help me clam my nerves down.  As i got their i found Flower talking to Puppet in sign langue, well because Puppet was blind and deaf, and her follower Button, witch was a giant Gastermaster, 

"Hi Flower," i said clammily causing her to jump a little. "H-ii Y/n,What can i help you with?"she said, as she was a little focused on telling Puppet what was going on, by doing sign langue in her hand. Puppet looked at me her eye sockets were covered by bandages , she waved at me with a huge smile on her face. Button picked her up with his tail, by rapping it around her waste. "Anyway Y/n what do you need? "i looked at her and let out a quite sigh. i sat down next to her, 'So Flower i know you never leave your Au because you cant but. I need to know if you had a choice to see someone you lost a long time ago. What would you do? And they live in a nu their world, would you go see them? Or stay in you're Au?' She looked like she was going to cry. "I'M SO SORRY I-i"

"STOP " She interrupted me with a loud stop. "You know i cant leave and brought it up". "LIKE I LIKE BEING STUCK IN THE AU OF PAIN AND DEPRESSION!!! AND WHY IN FRISK'S NAME WOULD YOU THINK IT, WOULD BE A GREAT IDEA TO COME  TO ME AND TALK ABOUT THIS!!!!!! "i never heard her yell or scream like this before, but she had a point..... Why did you want to talk to me about this, anyway?? I looked at her and her flower in her left eye socket was now a red bloodshed color and in her right eye socket, her pupils were missing. I was a little scared to think what she was going to be next to me." i sorry, Flower. i should have talked to someone else about this. Forgive me." As i got up from my spot, i noticed that her back was to me.

Still Your P.O.V

As i opened a  portal to head back to Moon palces, i felt Flowers hand on my shoulder. " It's Moon's and Solars brithday today right?" " Yes it is." She snapped her fingers,and two beautful flowers that had a moon look and the anthor one had a sun look to it. 

( could not find a solar flower) 

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( could not find a solar flower) 

"Thank you Flower, Moon will love it. and i will make sure to tell them that its from you."As she handed the flowers to me she gave me the kindest smile she has ever had. She waved goodbye to me and so did Puppet but Button just rolled his eyes and waved his tail goodbye. As i jumped though the portal i landed in the place.

I grumble in frustration because i was pissed. SENPIA IS THAT YOU!!!!!!! I heard a such a trebbile voice i cringed in my mind. SHIT!! i was tacked to the groud by a annoying skeleton.....Solar."  Solar get the fuck off of her right fucking now."  i heard i blood tristy vocie, "But its my brithDAYYY!!!!" Hell throw Solar across the felied causeing her to hit her back againset a tree. "Need help fresh meat" hell said with a scary smrike spread across her face. 

As i grabed her hand she pulled me up i looked her in the eye sockets trying to ingnore the large peacie of skull missing from her right eye socket. She let a smalll gigle and said in the most creppysit way ever " its going to a long day is'nt " as she grabed her slater axe throwing it over her shoulder. 

( i Fanilly finshed sorry it took so long, for give me thank you for reader) 

( i Fanilly finshed sorry it took so long, for give me thank you for reader) 

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