Chapter 6: Big decisions

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Aro retreated from Alices hand with a jump.
"What are you?" His accent rolled off his tongue as he looked at me with astonishment.
"She will destroy us." I turned to his army.
"What do you mean?" Caius shot back. "She's half mortal she can't touch us. We are more powerful than she will ever be."
"She May be mortal, brother, but her human half is of something I've never seen. Witch? Demon? I do not know. I saw her eyes engulfed in black. She set bodies a flame with her thoughts. She damned the souls of the dead with a glance. She's a force to be reckon with." Aro said softly.
"Remember who you are." Jane said softly in her mind. She was my best friend in the Volturi and I know she wants me to stay. I want her to come with me.
"I️ did." I️ say out loud knowing only Edward understood. I️ look over at him and he shared a small smile. "Come with me." I looked at her with a small smile.
"I cannot leave. The Volturi are my family, my roots. I belong where my roots are." She said sadly, but still upholding her tough persona.
"And I️ belong where my roots are. My roots are in the foggy summer nights of watching The Vampires Journal and making fun of the way they portrayed vampires. I️ belong where I️ was raised with love and affection. My heart belongs to the people I️ call home." I️ look at Alice and Jasper with a smile. "I️ am needed elsewhere Aro." I️ begin to take off my cape.
"But in return of your acceptance, if you ever need me, you know where to find me." I️ slid the cape off and handed it to him with a bow.
"Your speech fills these hearts with glee, but mine with sorrow. Such a shame that you won't consider staying. If the outcome of battle wasn't so... deadly, I'd make you stay with force." He smiled sickly. "However, this is not the time. I️ will call upon you when needed, just like you said." He bowed his head.
"Just remember the Volturi does not give second chances."'Calus sneered.
"I️ am aware." I️ nodded my head and ran back to my family.
"Bring her forward." Calus motioned for Irina to step forward.
"Is that the child you saw." He pointed to Reneesme.
"Yes, But she's grown." She sighed and looked at her sisters. "I️ take full responsibility for my accusation. The Cullen's, they're innocent." She sighed.
"I'm sorry." She mouthed to us all.
"You know what must be done." Aro nodded and vampires from the guard ripped her limb by limb.
"IRINA!!" Her sisters screeched and begs to charge. The one with long straight hair was grabbed by a man with short brown hair, but she was... electrocuting him.
The other girl was stopped by another man.
"Take away their sight." Edward said to a woman who looks from Southern American decent.
"Give me my sight back." The blonde one with curls hissed as she looked around.
Edward ran to her.
"Tonya if you attack every single of us is killed. Okay?"
He turned to the woman and nodded. The both calmed down but they still had anger written faces. We all looked at Aro who held a sick smile on his pale face.
"Goodbye everyone. I️ hope to see you all real soon." He giggled.
The army fell back so only Aro remained.
He looked me directly in the eye and waved. And with that he was gone.
I ran up to the body of my cousin Irina. Her face was still beautiful even if it was detached from her head. I pulled her body into my lap and placed her head back on. My vision went black as I felt myself look up at the sky. Words flowed off my tongue and I cracked my neck. I leaned down and planted a kiss on her forehead.
"Vitas Vitum." I said out loud. My vision returned as I heard her gasp from underneath me. We both stood up and I smiled at her.
"You saved me? But why?"
"You saved me." I took her hand in mine as we began to walk. The crowd stood in astonishment as we walked back.
"Irina?" Tonya called out as she sprinted forward, Kate was close to follow. Irina let my hand go as she engulfed her sisters into a hug.

Everyone erupted into cheer and laughter! Hugs, kisses, and sighs of relief were all shared.
I️ turned and faced my parents with a big smile.
"You've gotten so big." Jasper sighed as he hugged me.
"I'm still not done growing." I️ smile.
"How did you do that?"
"I don't know, but I don't want to think about it."
"We missed you." Alice said as she engulfed me in a hug.
"I️ missed you guys too."
"Was it really that bad when we left, that you resorted to the Volturi?" Jasper face filled with hurt.
"Yes." I️ sighed. "It seemed like the only valid option. The fear in my head told me you weren't coming back and I️ panicked. I️ did what I️ thought was right although it was so wrong." I️ wrapped my arms around both of them. "Can you forgive me?"
"What? Can you forgive us?" Alice said looking at me. "Nice fashion choice by the way."
"Shoulda seen the one I️ have to represent Jasper that I️ had at the castle." I️ giggled.
"Lets go home." I️ smiled. "Wait." Something felt wrong. It was like I️ was trying to grow out of my skin.
"What's wrong." Jasper asked with a concern filled voice.
It felt like my bones were shifting, yet it only felt like pressure.
There was a giant crack and I️ looked up.
"I️-I️ think I'm done growing." I️ felt around my face.
"I️-I️-I️ can't change anymore." I️ began to panic.
"What do I️ look like?" I️ asked frantically as Jasper and Alice stared at me for what seemed like forever.
"Us." They said at the same time.
"Honey blonde hair..."
"Blue eyes...."
"His lips...."
"Her cheeks..."
"You look like... us."
"Really?" I️ look at them in search for any reflection in their eyes. I️ couldn't see anything.
"Wow."'Rosalie and Emmett appeared behind them.
"You look just like Jasper." Emmett laughed lightly with a smile.
"Really? I️ say she looks like Alice." Rosalie smiled.
"She has the mannerisms of both." Edward laughed slightly.
"I️ say she looks like both." Esme smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"It suits you." Carlisle nodded.
"I️ agree." Bella said stepping forward with a sincere smile.
No longer did I️ feel hatred towards her. The hole was still big, but now I️ knew my purpose. I️ was sent to this planet to be conceived by Bella, the human, for Alice and Jasper. I️ was meant to be theirs, but they didn't have the chance to have me.
"I️ forgive you." I️ look her right in the eye. "No apology needed since I️ don't believe I'll get one." I️ look at everyone. "I️ figured it out. I️ wasn't meant for Edward and Bella, that was Nessie, I️ was meant for Alice and Jasper. They just couldn't have me." I️ smiled at them both.
"Lets go home." I️ smile at all of them.

All of the vampires minus two ran back with us to say goodbye. We met Nessie and Jacob at the house once we got ahold of them.
After changing clothes I️ walked outside to the sunshine and sparkling faces. I️ make my way over to Jasper and Alice who were talking to some people with a southern accent.
"Thank you, again. Take care." Jasper smiled and they disappeared.
Alice and Jasper turned to me.
"I️ve gotten used to your looks faster than I️ imagined I️ would." Alice said lightly and caressed my face.
"I️ actually like it." I️ smiled. "It seems to be really me, ya know?" I️ giggle and hug them.
I️ pulled back and went to go to Nessie.
As I️ was walking up the stairs I️ was focused on my feet until I️ ran into somebody. I️ went backwards about to fall until a strong set of warm arms caught me. I️ looked up above me and that's the moment I️ locked eyes with Paul.

Why Couldn't I Be Jasper and Alice's Child? {Editing but completed}Where stories live. Discover now