Killian Burns Zoe's Shirt

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Percy POV

I slept through the drive until we hit the museum. When we had finally reached the building, Killian had poked me until I was awake.

"Okay, I'm up!" I shouted, scaring the boy. I sighed. "Sorry. Just don't wake me up like that, got it?" He nodded vigorously. "So, what's up? Are we there yet?"

"We're at some museum," Killian answered. I groaned.

"Not here," I mumbled. "I hate his place."

"Why?" I shook my head.

"Can you use your powers?" I asked.

"Somewhat," he said sheepishly.

"I'll start training you later," I told him with a pat on the head. "And I'll help you train with a sword. For ready."


"Do you always ask questions?"


"Well, at least you're honest," I said. "When you're a demigod, especially one as powerful as you or me or Thalia, you always have to be ready. Monsters can pick up our scent and track us."

"Do we smell that bad?" Killian asked, wrinkling his nose. I laughed and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Unfortunately, we do. Now come on, the girls will be waiting for us." We clambered out of the van and found the girls waiting for us. Oh, it was going to be torture with three huntresses with us. Last time around, it was only Bianca and Zoe. Now it's Zoe and two other hunters. The ones that fought Michael during capture the flag, if I remember right.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

"You're friend here," Zoe looked at Killian, "suggested that we 'kill time' while waiting for the train to come."

"It sounds like we are actually killing someone when you say it like that," Killian mumbled.

"At this point, they might," I told him. He paled a little. "Don't worry it won't be you. If you don't annoy them."

"It might be you," the brunette threatened. I laughed.

When I stopped, I said, "I don't say this lightly, but I doubt it."

"You think you're better than us?" the blonde asked.

"I did stand toe-to-toe with your lieutenant for a long period of time while my brother, who is worse than me at swordplay, beat both of you using ingenuity and his wit." Silence. "Please don't think I'm boastful. For now, it's simply a fact."

"Please don't kill me, either," Killian pleased. I clapped him on the shoulder.

"Come on, Killian." I beckoned. "Let's go see what's here. Just us guys." I dragged him away before he could argue. Zoe sent me a weird look but I didn't say anything.

Once we were out of earshot of the girls, Killian asked, "What do you really want?"

I smiled at him. "Look at that, he's learning my tells already. Roll with it. I'll tell you the plan on the way. Just tell me one thing."

"What?" he asked.

"How well can you use your powers?"

Ten minutes later, I was hidden in the shadows, listening to the conversation between Thorn and Atlas, or the General. It went the same way as last time, and when Atlas threw the silver piece of clothing to the group of skeletal Sparti, I flashed my hand three times. The signal to Killian. From under the balcony where I had hidden the boy, fire flew through the air, burning the cloth to ash before it could ever reach the group of Spartus.

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