1| Before Tragedy Happened

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Roselie's P.O.V

"My life is so tragic!" My dear sister Lydia cried. She wasn't like us. She was well......normal. "Lydia life is tragic. You cannot just be someone without a little bit of tragedy." I said running her back.
We heard the bell ring. Father always signaled us. Mother was too busy. We got up. Mother told us to dress nicely because guest would come. See seven children of the age of eight wouldn't know how to dress fancy. This was the first time mother allowed us not to dress in uniform. I was wearing a blue dress with high socks and oxford shoes.

      I looked at my tattoo

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I looked at my tattoo. Everyone had it except Lydia. We all step out our room. "Children you have 1 minute to come! Ready and....Go!" Mother yelled. We all race down. I teleported. It was a lot of stairs. "Mother! Roselie cheated!" Luke said coming by me.
"No she just used her brain." Mother said. I stuck my tongue out at him. I notice seven kids with and old man. It was the Umbrella Academy. I notice a kid staring at me. I had to admit he was super handsom. I smiled at him as my siblings came by me.
I could see Mother and Mr. Hargreeves looking at the boy and me while whispering. Mother stepped forward. "Children this is the Umbrella Academy!" She said. "Introduce yourselves!" She said. Me and Teddy stepped forward. "Hello Umbrella Academy we are the Ryder twin glad to make your assistance..." We said bowing slightly. "He is Teddison and I'm Roselie!" I said stepping back.
The rest introduced themselves. We went to the dinning room. Mother and Mr.Hargreeves thought to arange seats. I was next to Teddy and the boy. "You may now begin to eat." Mother said. "What is your name?" I asked the boy. He looked shocked. "Why so shocked?" I asked. " Father never lets us talk during meals. My name's Five." He said.
Luke then decide to fight with Teddy. Everyday. I pulled out my knife. I stabbed it to the table getting everyone's attention. "Can we all have a nice, peaceful dinner, where you two are not at each other throats please!" I said raising my voice. "We guest for bloody sake!" I said.
Everyone went quiet. "Boys settle down like your sister has asked you too!" Mother said. She always took my side. "So you can teleport?" Five asked. "Yes and I can control minds." I said. He smiled softly.

Years Later

I was in my nightgown. "The children want to saw goodnight!" Father said. We waited for Mother to look up. She kept scribbling. "Well let's go mother is busy. " Father said. "She always is!" I muttered. Teddy just grabbed my hand.

I woke up to the sun. I grabbed my uniform.

       "Children! The Umbrella Academy is coming!" Father yelled

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"Children! The Umbrella Academy is coming!" Father yelled. Yeah! I get to see Vanya, Allison and Five. I became best friends with Vanya and Allison. I grew a huge crush on Five. Only Teddy and Lydia knew. I fixed my tie and walked downstairs.
Lydia made a waving movement. I quickly came next to her. I was next to Kennia. The Academy walked in and smiled at us. Mother and Mr.Reginald made a hand movement to tell us to play. Five ran over to me. "Hey!" I said.
"Hi."He said Awkwardly. Kennia came. "Hey Rose, Five." She said. Did I mention Kennia knew too. Kennia was always so protective over me. "I have an idea!" I shouted. They look at me and nod. I go to Where Teddy, Diego and Luke are. I use my powers to make Teddy punch Luke. Luke steps back. I made Teddy then HUG Luke.
I could hear Five and Kennia stifle a laugh. I stop. "ROSELIE RUBY RYDER I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!" Teddy shouted. I burst out laughing. Teddy lunges toward me. I move on for him to fall on Kennia. I grab Fives and Kennia hand, running to my room.
Kennia gasps. "You never let people in your room!" She said. I smile. I saw Five stare at me. I lay on my bed, thinking how much time I have before Teddy actually Kills me.

4 years later (They're all 13)

We sat at Mr.Hargreeves table. I sat next to Five. He stabbed his fork into the table making me jump. "Number Five!" Mr.Hargreeves said. "I want to time travel!" He said angrily. They started bickering. Five ran out. " Do you want me to go get him?" I asked nicely. Mr. Hargreeves nodded.
I got up and ran out. "Five! Five! Five!" I said. It started to drizzle. My uniform was soaked. I went back inside. "I couldn't find him." I stated.

2 months later

Five has been missing for 2 months. I was in my black long sleeve dress with white collar. My black oxford shoes slightly wet. We stood outside in front of Ben's statue. First, Five , now Ben. I stood forward. Everyone was inside. I wanted a few moments. I dropped the flower and went inside. Why was life so cruel?

3 months later

I was in my room. Diego came inside. "Hey Diego!" I said. He was holding some kind of drink. It was and icy blue color. "What's that?"I asked. "It something I made!" He said. "Can you try it?" He asked. "No." I said. I'm not trying anything Diego gives me.
"Oh come on! It probably won't work!" He said whining
I went to kitchen to try and get away from his whining. He followed. I was guessing my brothers turned him down too.
"Agh fine I'll try it!" I shouted. "Yes now stand over there!" He saying pointing to a wooden stool. I we t and he gave me the drink.
I took it and drank it. I felt......nothing. "Ha it didn't work!" I said. I felt my eye's snap open. I felt my legs stiff. "Diego! Diego help! Diego Please!" Was the last thing I shouted until I saw the world turn black.

Diego P.O.V

She was frozen. Oh no. Mrs. Ryder and father came in. "What happened?" She asked. "I gave her a drink! I didn't think it would work!" I said. Allison came in. She covered her mouth. We lost Five, Ben and now..............

   Goodbye fellow readers!!

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Goodbye fellow readers!!

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