12| The Room

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"What did you do?"


Teddy's P.O.V

The room was covered in blood. Roselie sat there, a bloody knife in her hand. Her eyes weren't her normal brown color. They were grey and dull. I recognize those eyes. No emotion. "Teddy?" Kennia whispered. "She lost control again." Diego said.

It's been years since she lost control.  "Lost control?" Asked Vanya. "Again?!" Five whispered. Roselie turned to face us. "Roselie? Are you okay?" I asked walking a little closer. "Teddy!" Hailey warned. She started twitching. She must have stopped taking her medication.  "Rose?" I said. I was in back of her.  I touched her shoulder.

She snapped. She turned and pinned me to the ground. Everyone screamed, trying to get her off me. She clawed. She grabbed her knife stabbing me in my arm.  I grabbed a nearby rod. I hit her head knocking her out.

She fell limp on my body. "You good buddy?" Klaus asked helping me up. "Yeah yeah, can someone check on her?" I asked worried. Allison checked her pulse. "She's breathing. " She said.

"Where did Mrs. Ryder put went her when she- you know!"  five said pacing back and fourth. "We don't know. Mom never let us see her." Luke said.

"I know." I said as Nancy patched me up. They all looked at me. "WHAT! I'm her twin." I said . "Help me out Luther!" Luke said gabbing her leg. "Lead the way Teddy." Luther said. I walked down the hallway. The horrible memory.

I still remember her screams.

I walked down the hall to my room. It was a peaceful morning.  I held Roselie's pills.  Mother told me to give them to her.  I had a slight delay since Luke was being a jerk. "Teddy I think something is wrong with Rose!" Lydia said coming towards me.

"What ?" I said snapping my thoughts. "There's noises coming out . Like she's struggling . Where all Panicking. " She said. I sprinted towards her room. Every e was there. I opened the door.

The walls were ripped. Her sheets were bloody. Her arms were covered in blood . She was scratching her other bleeding arm.  She had scratched until blood came out.
Her head twitched along with her arms. Her walls had writing.


Was written above her in red ink. But it wasn't red ink. It was blood. Her blood. She looked at me. She laughed and laughed until she stopped. She looked into my eye's. They werent brown but grey and dull. She stared until she screamed. She launched at me . Mother stormed in. She pulled Roselie off me. "I'm so sorry darling." Mother whispered as she injected something in Roselie.

"Children. Go to your rooms. Now. Teddy stay please." Mother said. They all left. "Teddy, grab her arms." Mother ordered. I grabbed her arms. They were still bleeding. We walked down the hall way. There was a metal door. Mother opened the door and put her in. My hands were covered in blood.

"Teddy?" She said. I looked away as I locked the door.

We made it to the door. We put her in. She was starting to wake up. We walked to the door. I closed the door staring through the small window.  "Guys? This isn't funny!" She said panicking. She started walking to the door. I closed the metal window.




"Teddy  please!"


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