Chapter 25

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     Carson and I were at a restaurant, talking and eating. I had spaghetti and Carson had a burger, and we were enjoying each other's company at the small and nearly deserted restaurant. I was having a good time, but I also couldn't help but think about what happened between Serena and I. I couldn't believe I finally told her off.

     "Are you okay?" Carson asked, frowning.

     I looked up at Carson and stared at him for a moment. I hadn't told him what happened between Serena and I and I realized it was time to tell him.

      "A few days ago... I told Serena off because she was putting me down for dating you," I said. Carson's eyes widened and I flushed. "I told her we aren't friends anymore and we haven't talked since."

      Carson stared at me, looking completely caught off guard. I understood his feeling - it took me so long to stand up for myself and I kept telling him I wouldn't anytime soon. But, it had happened.

      "You finally told Serena off?" Carson asked, breaking into a smile. "I'm so proud of you. All she ever does is push you around and use you and I'm so happy you finally spoke up for yourself."

      "I'm happy I did, too," I said, smiling.

      Although a part of my felt guilty about snapping at Serena, I knew it was coming. I had spent months protecting and defending Serena, and she did nothing but use me and treat me like I was nothing. Serena deserved what she got.

      "This is perfect," Carson said, grinning. "You know, I asked my dad to create the upcoming event because I was thinking you should sing at it. You know how Serena sang at the same event and started her career that way, I was thinking this would be your chance to be in Serena's position  - the exact position you're supposed to be in."

      "Wait, what?" I said, surprised. "I'm not going to sing at any event. Not anytime soon, at least."

      "Why? Are you still planning on singing for Serena?"

      I shook my head. Serena and I weren't talking and I wasn't planning on talking to her ever again. I didn't care if that meant she wouldn't be able to sing anymore, I was done with her.

      "If you aren't going to sing for Serena, then this is the perfect opportunity for you to let everyone know that her voice is actually your voice," Carson said. 

      "I... I wasn't planning on telling everyone," I said. "If I don't sing for Serena, that means Serena can't sing at all. She'll quit and lose her fame and I... I'll go back to having my talent a secret."

       Carson stared at me, looking disappointed. His body deflated and I blushed, knowing this was the last thing he wanted. And it wasn't exactly what I wanted either, but it was the easiest solution to my problem. It was the only way to prevent everyone from hating Serena and maybe, even me.

      "But why?" Carson said. "I thought you wanted to be in Serena's spot? Don't you want to show the world just how amazing your voice is?"

      "I... I don't know," I said. "Not telling my secret is safest path to take. It's the only way to make sure neither Serena or I end up with everyone hating us."

       "You're still protecting Serena? Really?"

      Carson now looked mad and I stared him, feeling helpless. I really liked Carson, but it was so hard to make him understand. It was so hard to make anyone understand me because no one could understand what it was like to be in my shoes. They didn't understand what it was like to have your and another person's life in your hands.

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