Chapter Five

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    It had been two days since Jack had revealed what our next lesson would be. In that time, I'd been chatting to Gabriel online with an increased interest.

    He had brought up our meeting again, asking when I'd be coming to New York and how long I was staying for. In that time, all I could think about was how nervous I was about meeting someone new.

    What if I failed to meet their expectations? What if Gabriel wanted to have sex and I wasn't ready? Asking Jack to help me with sex didn't always work wonders for my self-esteem too.

    My phone kept buzzing on the coffee tables as Jack and I pigged out on Chinese that night in front of the TV.

    "You wanna answer that?" Jack asked, gesturing to my phone with his fork.

    "It's just Gabriel," I reply. "Besides, I'm watching TV with you."

    Jack says nothing and goes back to eating. After five minutes I give up. "Okay, what the hell are we watching?"

    A confused expression came over Jack's face as he flicked between the TV and myself. "It's about a psycho killer hunting a bunch of teenagers in the woods. You don't like it?"

    "I mean," I laugh. "That girl just licked a werewolf's face and I'm sorry but how did those two not see the zombie behind them. How can you miss something so obvious when it's right in front of your face?"

    "You'd be surprised what people miss." Jack muttered and I looked at him in confusion but no further explanation came forward.

    I'm about to open my mouth when suddenly there's a knock on the door.

    "I got it." I say, placing my carton on the coffee table and standing up to open the door. My eyes widen in shock at the sight of the grinning, green-eyed brunette standing before me.

    "Well about time, I was beginning to think you'd never answer."

    "Aria?" I ask, staring at my older sister in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

    "I've been texting you all day!" Aria, my twenty-two year-old sister, exclaims. "I even rang Jack. Didn't he tell you? Jack, didn't you tell him?"

    "Oops." Jack grins from the couch. "Must've forgotten, sorry."

    Aria rolls her eyes. "Boys."

    "What are you doing here?" I ask. "I thought you're on the European leg of the tour right now?"

    "Well, first of all," Aria says. "I'm waiting for you to step aside and let me in and second, did you not get my messages? Mum and dad's anniversary is coming up and I flew in this morning. I have two weeks off before I need to go back. In that time, we need to plan mum and dad's wedding anniversary!"

    "Why?" I ask, stepping aside to let my sister through. "It's only their twentieth."

    "Exactly!" Aria exclaims. "They want to re-do their vows this year since they went on that cruise last time. Work will probably have me out of the country this time next year so Mum and Dad wanted to do it when the whole family was together. Understood?"

    I flash her a thumbs up and Aria smiles, moving gracefully into the lounge room where she shrugs off her coat to reveal a dark sweater and ripped jeans.

    My sister, who now earned a pay-check in the millions, had managed to maintain her stylistic, bohemian appearance she developed as a teenager.

    While she spent her time now adorned in evening gowns for award shows and sparkly costumes on stage, my sister had been born when my parents were very young and didn't have a lot of money.

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