Confused heart

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After school, I went back home. Just as I was about to walk out of the class, someone grab hold of my hand. I turn and saw Sehun was the one.

"What do you want?" I said.

"Can we talk?"

"Sorry. I have something urgent, I have to go now. Please let go of me."

"Just 5 minutes."

"Sorry." and I push his hands away.

"Wait.....!" he shouted but I ignored it. I just wanted to go back home quickly.

When I reach home, I immediately went into my room. I checked my phone and saw a message from Sehun. I don't know why he is trying so hard to explain to me. I'm scared. I told myself not to believe in love anymore.


Hey I'm sorry. I'm outside your house now. Can you come out for a while? Please.

My reply:

Just go. It's late, still have school tomorrow. Goodnight.

I immediately ran to my window and I saw Sehun. He looked sad. I watch him until he is out of my sight.

*Sehun thoughts*

I don't know what happened to me. I just wanted to let jaeun know I'm not a person to break promises, but I guess she is still angry at me. If I were to tell the truth, what will happen? I... think I like her....

Unknowingly I walk to the school. It is dark but I just feel like being alone so I sneak into the school and went to the class. I on the lights and sat down at jaeun's seat. I decided to do something for her.

I wrote a letter for her, a long one.

Jaeun, I'm really sorry. I don't know what I can do did you to forgive me. I really had a reason. I just don't want you to view me differently, that's all. If you still need my help, I can. Just tell me anytime. I write the letter because I thought writing it shows more sincere to it rather than messaging you, which you won't reply. Anyway, I know you knew I'm a trainee from sm entertainment. To be honest, I'm going to be an idol soon. I hope we can still be friends because only you see me as normal human. I hope so. Don't be angry.
-Cold guy

I folded the letter and slide in to one of her textbook. I hope she sees it.


Next day,

I went to school as normal. I told myself to just ignore Sehun. I don't really want to bother him since he is being bothered by so many girls already. Maybe he thinks I'm a nuisance. I sat at my seat and took out a book to read while waiting. I realised Sehun is staring at me, the whole time. I pretend I don't know about it and the teacher comes in.

*Sehun thoughts*

Ay, this girl. I'm staring at her since just now, didn't she know? I'm trying to give a hint about the letter. But the teacher comes. Forget it, jaeun. I give up, if you really didn't saw the letter, that's it. I will go back to be the Cold guy. anyway, you won't really bother me since I will be an idol soon.

"Class, listen up!"

"Next week, we will be having a camp on Tuesday to Saturday. Pass down the consent form I gave out earlier on. Sign it and return tomorrow. I will further explain the details."

*jaeun thoughts*

Oh shit! How can I go? Aunt Sarah is not home yet.

"Mrs Lee!"


I walk up to her.

"Mrs Lee, my aunt is overseas now. I can go but can't sign the consent form."

"But I need a consent for it. I will ask the principal and tell you tomorrow. If the principal doesn't agree, then I'm afraid you can't attend this camp."


When I walk back to my seat, I look at Sehun. But he immediately look down.


During breaktime, Mark came and find me again.

"Are you going to the camp?" he asked.

"Not sure."


"Nobody can help me sign the consent form."

"I see. I help you sign?"

"No. Forging will not help anything."

"I know. If you go, I can take care of you."

"No thanks!"

In the end, the principal agreed to let me go without signing the form but I have to make a phone call to Auntie Sarah to inform her about it.


"Oh shit!" I mumbled to myself.

I forgot to bring back my book, I have to return to the library later. I'm already halfway home. I had to turn back and walk to school. When I reach the class, nobody is inside. I rush and take my book but Suddenly a book drop out and revealed a piece of paper. I took the paper and open it. I read through it and Sehun is being sincere in apologizing. I'm sorry Sehun, I won't want to interrupt your world. I put the letter inside my bag and ran off.

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