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"Congratulations everybody!" Mrs Lee said.

"No matter what results, good or bad, all of you have did very well. The graduation ceremony will be held next week and I will choose 5 students up on stage to give their speech. Sehun,......,.......,.......,........"

"Sehun, you got chosen!" I said to him.

"Why me?!" he shouted across the classroom.

"You are an idol. I expected more from you. Class stand!" she said. Then we greeted her goodbye.

"You can do it, Sehun!" I comfort him.

"It will be very embarrassing if I said something wrong."

"No.. it will be cute."

"Only to you."

"And your fans."

1 week later,

all seniors are gathered in the hall. One by one, the students sitting in front go up the stage and give their speech.

I get bored while listening to all their speeches, some of them say until they cry because some speeches are very touching.

Sehun is also sitting in the front, I sit at the second last row since I am not giving any speech. Then I received a message from Sehun.

S: I am next... ㅠ.ㅠ

Me: It's okay. I know you can do it.

The teacher announce Sehun to go up the stage. Sehun went up the stage, he holds the microphone and started giving his speech. I look around me and some of the girls are crying their hearts out. When Sehun finished his speech, he got the loudest applause.

After the speech, we go back to the class.

"Please take one and pass!" the teacher shouted, holding on to a stack of books. When I take the book, I saw it is a school magazine, containing many graduation class photos and each class students photo.

I turn to the page of our class. The first person I saw is Sehun.

"Ya Sehun! Look at you!" he looks at the book.

"Puuu..." he almost spit out his saliva.

Then he covers his face in embarrassment.

"Why are you like that?" I asks.

"I look so ugly in there." I look at myself in the photobook.

Then he turn to the next page which is our class students' individual photo.

Sehun clench his hands into a fist and lightly hit the photobook continuously. Then he laughs.

"I look so funny here." he said.

"I look so weird..." I said.

"Hahahah." he bursts out laughing. I hit him and he apologise.

"Listen up!" the teacher speaks again. Everybody look attentively at him.

"I have a good news! We will be having our prom night this Friday!"

"Yay!!" everyone shouted in unison.

"Wait, but I have a bad news too! The partner you are choosing is random, I will put up a list tomorrow and see who is your partner. You will then need to dance with your partner. But after finishing the dance, you can go alone or find other partner. Understand?"

"Yes saem!" everybody shouted again.

"I will surely be with you!" Sehun says.


"Most of them know we are together."


Next day

the teacher put the partners list on the notice board. Slowly, one by one, all of us crowd around the notice board. I scan through the paper for my name first and I saw my partner is Bryan. The next name I look at is Sehun, the name beside it is Joey. JOEY...

"What!" Sehun said. He went back to his seat angrily.

"What to do..." I asks.

"I don't know. Just get on with it, we have no choice." he said.


*Joey thoughts*

Yes! I am partners with Sehun. Jaeun, even the God is helping me you bitch! I will make sure not to let Sehun go find you.

I turn to look at Joey's reaction to see if she is happy or what. I saw a blank expression.

Since it is our graduation, I did not want to ruin it and I just want to enjoy it to the fullest. I believe Joey had change to a better person. I just hope for the best.

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