Before concert

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Today is the day. I didn't know what to wear. So I called Wendy.

"Wendy!! I'm going crazy!" I shouted when the line got through.

"Woah woah! Chill!"

"Okok. I don't know what to wear..."

"Don't worry! I got everything ready."

"What do you mean...?"

"I bought a wolf88 Kris shirt for you."

"What?!" I literally shouted at the phone.

"Awh. My ear. Can you stop shouting? Yes, Tao. You said you like him the last time."

"Oh sorry. Did I?"

"Yea. Anyway, we will get you changed at the venue later. We will meet at your house downstairs at 12pm."

"Ok. See you later." and I hang up the call.

What is she up to? Even getting ready shirt for me...

I got ready and wear my normal clothes. I went downstairs and saw Wendy. She is holding quite a few paper bags.

"What are these?" I asked.

"You will know as we go there." and she plaster a smirk on her face.

We take the train and as we reached there, there are already many people. I was dumfounded by how they have become so popular.

"Can I know what is inside the bags already?"

Curiosity really kills.

"Of course. Let's find a place to settle down first."

We went to the West side of the entrance into the concert venue. We sat down along the queue. And Wendy showed me the bags.

My mouth hung open as I saw a big Teddy bear, with a name tag hang in front. It wrote Sehun.

"You are giving this to Sehun?" I asked.

"Yes. I found him really cute these days. He became my bias wrecker.."

As I dig into the bags, there are also papers which I assumed are letters to them. I finally saw the wolf88 Kris shirt.

"But I don't like Kris."

"Why? I thought you like him? You mention him when we first met."

"I don't remember but it's okay. I will wear it. Thanks!"

"Your welcome! We need to let them know that we still love Kris."


I went to the toilet and have a change. It looks fine on me. I check my phone and it is only 1.38pm

"Why are we here so early?" I asked.

"We need to get the in front place and I heard that fansites are giving away banners."

"I see. The concert starts at 7:30 pm. We have to wait for so long."

"It is worth it! Trust me. We may even get to see their rehearsal. I will go take the banners, you sit here!" she commanded me.

"Ok. Get going then! Be careful!"

"Ok I will."

When Wendy leave, I take out my phone. As I scroll through instagram, I saw a new post from Sehun. He posted 10 hours ago. Why didn't I know that? Oh. I didn't check instagram.

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