Chapter 1

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Yuri's POV

I walked straight to my locker then i saw Luna opened her locker and took some stuffs. I approached her and tap her shoulder. "Good morning, Loser!" I yelled at her. She turned away and tried to escape from me. "Where r u going? Come on,carry all my books! Know ur job, rascal~" i said as i walked and left her behind. I dont care what people gonna say bout me cuz i rule the world. This is my school. Yeah Kwon's. But then i saw Tiffany waved at me. I walked straight to her and gave her a sweet smile. "Hey ssup! Where have u been? I didn't saw just now" she said. "Oh hey. I took my books just now. Let's enter the class" i replied as i pulled herhand. " yah wait! Guess what?! I saw a good looking guy outside our school gate! He must be a new student here!" She said excitedly. She never can't resist a guy. Never. "Wtv tiff. I dont care at all."i said as i rolled my eyes. She keep blabbing bout det guy whatsoever. As i reached my classroom, someone called my name. Oh yeah it was Mrs Shin. Idk what she gonna do to me this time.

"Kwon yuri! Come to my office now! Right now!" She shouted. Woah, she was mad. But i dont mind at all. "Oh Yul, not again." Tiffany said as she rolled her eyes. I ignored her and walked straight to Mrs Shin's office. I entered her office and sat on the chair in front of her. "So what's now?" I asked her rudely. "U know ur mistakes! Idk how to say to you! Im tired and sick wif all of this. When u gonna change and be a better person? U have no shame at all!"she shouted right on my face. I looked at her wif annoying expression.

"Can u pls stop talking bout the same thing wif the same person?u dont feel bored? Guess what? This is my life! U dont have no right to shout at me or give ur stupid advices cuz u r not even my mom!" I replied as i walked straight to the door and slammed it.

As i walked,i bumped into a guy. He was tall. Yeah. "R u blind bruh?" I asked him sarcastically. "It's ur fault anyway." He replied and walked away. "Pft this guy. Watch ur steps next time" i said and continued walking. Who was he? I never saw him before. New student maybe? K wtv. Then, i entered my classroom. All eyes on me. Okay that was normal. So, i sat on my place. "Psst what happened?" Tiffany whispered. "Nothing good". I replied coldly and focus on my lesson.

Kai's POV

Idk why i was transferred into this school. It was all because of my family. Huh. As i entered the school gate, everyone was looking at me especially the girls. I don't like how they fangirling over me. That was annoying. But i forced myself to smile. Obviously, a fake smile. Then, i entered the school building and yeah it was huge. Very huge school. Beautiful and clean. I guess this school was not that bad as i expected. I went to the principle's office. As i eneterd the principle's office, she smiled and asked my to sit. "Thanks Mrs Kwon." I said as i sat on the sofa. "So how r u dear? Long time no talk wif u and ur parents. R they good?"She started the conversation. It was awkward. Yeah i know her. Ahe was my mom's bestfriend since they were little. She was a nice woman. "Ahh im fine. They are fine too but always busy wif their works."i replied awkwardly. "Oh glad to knw that. So, i would like to welcome you to SM Academy. I hope u would like to be here. And--"she paused. Her phone was ringing. "Oh excuse me." She excused herself and she answered the call. I nodded. She looked serious.

A few minutes later she ended the call. She let the heavy sighed. "Uhmm what's wrong?"i asked curiously. "Huh nothing. It just my daughter. My one and only stubborn daughter." She replied. She had a daughter? I never know bout that. "Ohh i never know bout her n mom also never told mt that u have a daughter. I would like to meet her someday?"i replied as i gave her a smile. "Huh u never wanna meet her,boy. She's weird. I gotta go cuz meeting gonna start in 20 minutes. So, here is ur file. Inside it, there's ur personal information and ur class number. Also the map. U better study the map carefully if u don't wanna lost. This school is so huge ya know" she replied in hurried. "Oh really? Am i gonna regret if i meet her later? Haha im just kidding. Anyway, thanks Mrs Kwon. Have a nice day!" I said and bowed.

I walked out from her office. As i walked, i bumped into a girl. Yup a girl. She stood an said " r u blind bruh?". It was her fault anyway. She don't even said sorry. Such a rude girl. "It's ur fault."i replied and walked away. Finally, i found my class. Hub 5B. It was the History hub. I entered the class without looking at the students. I met my new history teacher,Mrs Irene. "Attention everybody! We have a new student in our class. Pls introduce yourself to them" She said nicely.

Yuri's POV

Damn! History class was so boring as always. I never liked this subject but idk how can i get A for it maybe because of luck? I guess. Then, i saw a guy entered my class. His face looks familiar. Ohyeah it was a guy who i bumped into just now. "Attention everybody! We have a new student in our class. Pls introduce yourself to them."Mrs Irene said to him nicely. "Uhm hello everyone. My name is Kim Jongin. Just call me Kai."he started. "That's all? Tell us a little bit bout ur family." Mrs irene added. Pfftt, that was enough i guess. I don't wanna here anymore -,- it was boring ya know. So, i ignored him and the others who pay attention to him. "Omg! He's a rich guy. I know his family so well"tiffany said excitedly while shook my arm. All my classmates looke at us because of her loud voice. Damn she should controlled her feelings next time. "Hm sorry guys" she apologized. Then, i saw that guy look at me.okay i admitted that he got the beautiful eyes. WTF? I looked away. Okay that was awkward. He sat behind me. Idk but i dont like him at all. K wtv he was not important in my life.

Recess time! I walked out from the classroom and approached Tiffany who busy talking to her friends. "Buy me some food. I wanna meet Luna for awhile." I said and wAlked away. "Yul,please. Not this time okay?" She replied. I smirked. I walked to Luna's direction, but then i saw that new student,Kai who blocking my way. "We meet again yeah" he approached me as i tried to avoid him. "So? U got a problem wif me?"i replied. "Yup. U dont even said sorry." He said as he look at me. "Sorry dude. Im busy here. Stop blocking my way."i said as i hit his arm and walked away. "Ouch that's hurt"he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"Yuri Noona!"i heard someone yelled my name. I ignored the voice. "Yuri noona!" He yelled again and ran to my direction. "Excuse me, who's ur noona dude?" I asked as i folded my arms. "Mianhae...i wanna tell u something"that random guy said. I looked at his nametag. His name was Kevin. "Is it important?"i asked him seriously. "Uhm you"he stammered. I burst into laugh. "Hahaha! Wht do u think u r doing? U just wasting my time. FYI,Im not even interested wif a guy like you."i replied as i shot him a disgust look. Why guys r so idiots -,- sorry to say but i dont feel like to have a boyfriend now. Pfttt what is boyfriend just eeuw T.T

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