Chapter 5

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Luhan's POV

gues what? Tiffany be my partner for the singing performance~ idk how to express my feelings hehe. Thanks to Miss Hana anyway. we already choose the song and need to practice it. As we were practicing, my eyes caught to a beautiful figure of a girl who stand next to Miss Hana. She saw me. She waved at me wif a smile plastered on her face. I ran towards her and gave her a warm hug.

Kai's POV

I showed her the dance steps video. Yeah i know she looked so shock. "what's dance is this?! It's so sexy okay? I don't like this kind of dance." she yelled at me. " do u think im going to dance like that? with you? hell no -,- that's impossible" I yelled back. " we need to change the song i guess. i don;t even like  this song tho. it's boring." she said undisguised. " i wish i can change partner too~" i replied. She rolled her eyes. I turned to Miss Hana direction. She was with somene. A girl. Luhan was there too while hugging that girl. " dude, can u pls focus? we need to finf way how to talk to Miss Hana." Yuri said as she hit my shoulder.

"I'll try to talk to her. btw, do u know who's she?" i asked as i pointed to that girl. "she's nothing to do wif my life. stop staring at her can you?" she yelled as she pulled my right ear. "Yah! why u pull my ear?! see that? it's getting redder." i replied while rubbing my ear. "serves u right, dude. u deserve that way". she said as she stuck her tounge out. "haish this girl -,- she's beautiful so that's why i can't stop staring at her. jealous?" i asked as i stared at her deeply. she stared back. " do i sounds like a jealousy girl?" she asked back. "exactly" i answered without hesistated. "oh god. Pls dude. u are not my type." she replied as she stood and walk away. "she's obviously jealous" i mumbled.

Yuri's POV

i walked to Tiffany's direction and left that guy alone. i saw she was memorising the lyrics. "ssup! don't tell me anything cuz i know u r happy. am i right?" I approached her. " ofc i'm happy but that was 20 minutes ago. not now." she replied. She looked upset. "fany-ah. whats wrong wif ya?" i asked concernly. "look there." she pointed to Miss Hana direction. i saw Luhan was talking to a girl. Tiffany must be jealous. "ah.. i guess u are jealous? i have told ya many times. make a confession ASAP but u refuse.Now u see what happen. that girl had caought his attention before ya did." i said while ruffling her hair. " maybe u are right. i should give up then". she answered.

"aigoo...don't be like this. if u really like him, do something. fight for him." i gave her some courage. " u want me to ruin their relationship?" she asked. "hey no. i don't say like that. we don't know if she is her gf or not. so u still have a chance to be wif him." i tap her shoulder. " okay then. i'll try. yhanks for your wdvices. u r not bad at all." she replied while showing her eyesmile. i don't realise what i was talking about. did i gave her love advices? okay that was weird. what's wrong wif me? "im just saying."i answered while scratching my head.

3 days before the event..

nothing i can do right now. Kai and I will keep going wif this dance practice and make it through the performance. i did that forn god's sake.

on 4pm..after the school ended, i went to the dance room. i saw Kai was there. " u are late for 40 seconds." He said as he folded his arms. "so? stop wasting my time. should we do some practice?" i asked., somewhat sarcastically. He remaint silence. "i guess it's a Yes" i added. So we began practicing for 2 hours. It was awkward. I never dance wif a guy. So this was my first time and ofc i don't like it.

2 hours later.. "it's enough for today. u r a fast learner anyway. not bad." he said as he he wiped his sweating forehead. He looks hot anyway. damn! i hate the way he acting hot in front of me. That was illegal. "meet ya again tomorrow." He said and walked out from the room. I took my school bag and followed him. As i walked, i saw Krystal. She was my enemy. I hate her. Everything bout her.

Author's note

Hello guys~ im back with some updates. enjoy reading ^^

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