I'm Sorry

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         "Cas?" Sam says when he feels Cas' breathing going back to normal Castiel nods buried into Sams' neck "are you ok" with a hand on Castiel' back "yeah I'm sorry" Cas says sitting up looking away from Sam "for what" Sam says finding Cas' eyes Cas smiles "what' wrong Cas?" Sam asks "I do- I don't know Sam- i -just when you look at me ok I don't know I just I get this feeling" Cas explained " what kinda feeling," Sam asks looking at down at Cas' crouch "well I don't know like- it's warm I guess kind of like- like I want to be with you" Cas said not noticing Sam eye' "oh-but not like- sexually" Castiel clarifies noticing Sams eye' jump up from Cas' crouch to his own play with his hands and sitting up "what does that mean sam"Castiel' asks sam innocently "well Cas I don't know" Sam lies through his teeth thinking that it would be awkward to tell the ex-angel that he was in love with Sam "your lying?" Cas said sounding hurt "no-ye- I mean," Sam says trying to hold his blush "it means you love me well at least that's how I feel when I love someone"

"ok but I love all of you" Castiel response confused tilting his head "you mean like a girl loves a boy," Cas asks raising an eyebrow "yes Cas like a boy loves a girl" Sam stats enjoying Castiel' eyes under the blush " I love you? well, do you umm" Cas asks with his blush deepening "I don't- I love you?" Sam says not sure as he blushes "you know I don't care if you don't or if you do I- nothing has to change can we-you just I don't know can we just go to s-" Cas was cut off by Sam' soft lips against his soft but passion kiss " I love you" sam states parting the kiss and letting Cas hide his blush by letting his head fall on to his shoulds "that felt really nice" Cas says trying to push Sam onto the bed to cuddle "we can do that more if you like" Sam asked shyly, falling onto the bed        

"yes I would like that" Cas says trying to closer to sam but Sam jumps on top of him and starting to kiss him softly "closer?" Sam asks Cas nods shlys "hey its ok if you want to stop," Sam says to Cas trying to comfort him "no I just I'm new to this" Castiel reusers Sam that it's ok  

few minutes of Making out and tongs sliding in and out of each other's mouths Sam starts slid his hands into Cas' shirt this doesn't go unnoticed by Castiel but he does so much of it but then  Sam tries to take it off "Sam" Cas moans "SAM" Cas moans louder "I'm sorry did i do something wrong" Sam asked trying not to sound hurt "NO- no it's just maybe not right now Can't you just sleep and cuddle?" Sam got off of Cas understandingly " I'm sorry I didn't mean to seem eager" Sam said trying not to sound like a jerk 

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