Plot: Dean wanted to show Jack how to hunt alone after Sam found Jack and Dean a case, vampire nest but it was 11 vampires and six-hour outside of Lawrence and well they hunted the nest, well Sam stayed at the bunker to do some research or you know dance half naked in the kitchen well-blasting music and singing into a frozen corn dog like Chuck/God taught him to do when he alone or he would go through some not very much pictures of Charlie, Kevin, Cas, Dean or chuck that's right he had pictures 'GOD' but today he got caught by Castiel and wanted to share beds with cus Cas was lonely\bored "BUT MOSTLY BORED GUY DON'T COME AT ME"- CastielMostly Fluff But It Has Some Smut Very Little
Disclaimer: don't own Supernatural or its characters and I am not making any profit out of this
"Hey Sam can you he-" Castiel was cut off by what he saw, he saw Sam with headphones on so loud that he could hear the music from the bunker door, in his underwear with a boner visible through all of Sam 'dance move' which he was pretty much just striping half naked on the bunker table kicking off the papers of research but when Sam saw Cas with his jaw to the floor
he embearesly jumped well not really but you get the idea and covers his raging boner which he somehow didn't realize he had unit he touch himself without the loud distraction of music and Sam said "hold that ima go to put some close on" he kinda enjoyed the sight tho "o o-ok then" but well's he turned to sit in the kitchen he screamed "wait..." long stares where exchanged "you should also take as shower to you take care of that" as he scaned is body and bit his lip but stoped and stared at his erection as soon as he finshed he setence "yay um ok" Cas snaped back to life and notice Sam rubbing his neck in acwaredness with a dark blush
"but umm what did you umm well want to tell me?" "oh it's fine it can wait just go take your shower" then Sam started to walk anyway to shower
——-——————————————––/————When Sam came back the angel was on the couch watching the television in the 'Dean cave' well that's what Dean calls it but, "so now what did you want to ask me?" Cas jumped at his voice "you startled me, Sam"
"Sorry, but so what up?" he asks in a soft voice "Umm well you I just got a little.." he mumbled shyly "...lonely and bored but mostly bored" Sam looked down allowing his bangs fall in his face to hide his blush and grin
"So what did you want to do since you were 'bored'" Sam asked with air quotes just cus he loved seeing the angel I little mad
"I don't know just hang out or help find a case, I thought that you would be bored since Dean left with Jack," he said raising his shrugging "but now I see you were fine doing whatever.... that was" with a wry smile.
Sam rolled his eyes "well it's 1: am so if you want to stay here or..." Cas raised an eyebrow and tilted his head which made the same smile "or... Sam my silence is your cue" "OR you can try to 'sleep' in my room" but well saying "sleep" using air quotes' because he knows that the angel doesn't really sleep, but Castiel evenly understude what the air quotes where for "sure why not" Cas said carelessly.
"So Cas you want to sleep on my bed or do you want to sleep on the chair or the floor," Sam said as he was grabbing some close out of his drew for the angel to wear to sleep "Ummm are you sure?" Castiel said hesitantly "yes why not I mean you did say you where lonely sorry 'bored'" he said well handing him a black shirt to him "you sure this is going to fit me and where are the pants?" Castiel said holding up the shirt "the shirt is mine but put it on and I'll go get you a pair of Jack sweatpants I just washed them but stay in here and change ima go get them," Sam said as he was nudged Cas to the bed when the room door closed Cas started to unbutton his shirt as Sam went get the pair of pants.
"Cas can I come in do you have a shirt on," Sam asked as he put his hand on the door handle and knocking abit "you can come in" Sam opened the door but once he saw that Cas didn't have pants on and was in his boxers.Sam pretended not to knowledge it and just handed Cas Jack' gray sweatpants and a pair of socks that brought from the drier that they were still in because Sam hadn't taken them out "are these for me?" he asked furrowing his brows."ye-yeah I thought you might get a little cold since-" Sam stop once he noticed that he was rambling.
"thank you but you do know that I don't get cold right?" he said holding them up "right." he said as held up his fingers as if he just turned on the lamp in his brain "well do you want me to take them or will you keep them?" "no it's fine I'll just put them on," he said stumbling over his words as he put on the sweatpants.
"So what side do you want," Sam asked pointing at the queen-sized bed trying to ignore the fact that his best friend was putting on his 'son' pants "either," Castiel said slightly smiling sitting on the bed well putting his socks which he ended up taking off cause they where uncomfortable he got up to see how the sweats fit him "are they ok" Sam asked 'they looked fine a little short but he fixed that by putting them down to your hip so' "fine I guess" seeing that Sam was already under the blankets "getting in or just staring?" Sam asked sarcastically As Cas was getting in Sam was reaching for the lamp to turn off the light Cas laded down on his side facing Sam' but when Sam laded back down his eyes were looking into Cas' and suddenly a deep blue meet an entrancing gray hazel and they stayed there staring for a few minutes.
Sam look down tracing every inch of Castiel' body but Castiel noticed that Sam looked away and 'awoke from his trance'. Sam looked back up because Castiel started to shift. "Sam" staring up at the ceiling "yes" staring at Cas' face "m-maybe-can I..." he stuttered sitting up on the bed and Sam' eyes follow. Cas looked over to Sam with his eyebrow raised "never mind it's dumb" Cas got up and left wasn't really sure where he was going but he left. "Umm, Cas where are you going?" Sam got the words out before Castiel left "I don't know.." wiry stares where estranged "isn't that amazing," he said smiling like a dork 'he so dramatic' Sam thought
'Why did Castiel just change his audited completely' Sam thought as he follows Castiel quietly even if Cas probably knew. He walked to the kitchen and was making some tea? Sam was confused why though maybe he enjoyed the taste but Sam went to sit at the table in the main room you know the one he was dancing on. 'Maybe I did something maybe he just wants to be alone" so that's what Sam did, he picked up a book that was on the floor because he didn't clean but it was called 'Gifted Children' that he was reading when he was trying to get Jack to use his powers to save mary when she was in the other world even if his mom was now safe hunting somewhere in California working a job.
suddenly Sam was shocked out of his thoughts and book by the sound of a mug slumming hard on a counter. Sam shot up and almost ran into the kitchen to see Cas on the floor leaning on the dining table crying. "Hey hey why are you crying," Sam running up to Cas " I-I don't know" Cas whimpered not being able it talk.
Sam sat down next to Castiel and put an arm around his neck and let Cas lay on his shoulder
"What happened," Sam asked rubbing his shoulder soothingly but didn't get an answer but got Cas burring into Sams neck hold his shirt tightly "do you want to go back to the room and try to sleep or something" Cas looked up a little and slowly stoped sobing"c-can w-w-we stay like th-this" Castiel stuttered "of course but you need to be warm come on" Sam said standing up and picking up Cas as if he was hurt.
Now that Sam and Castiel made it to the bed it is a bit award not being sure what to do "so d-do you want to um... cuddle?" Sam asked cringing at the word "cuddle". With no answer, Cas puts his head on Sam's chest. Cas not sure of what to do starts to purr with some tears falling from his eyes and Sam felt the purring and started to play with and massage Castiel dark raven hair.
If you saw some quotes from the show then you have a good eye but if you liked this chapter there will be an update
and if your into AU's I just wrote the first chapter to 'Jack Kline goes to school'so if you want to go check that out go ahead

soft touches >sastiel everything
Storie d'amoreCas gets lonely and decides to go hang out with Sam enjoy the porn but not really porn so if your here for some smut, not the place to be but if your here for the cuddle porn then you've come to the right place probably going to be short nothing to...