Flyaway Soul.

90 21 21

They live in a country far away from mine.

I drink water like a fuckin' wine.

The closest people I mostly dine.

A romance just ripe on the vine.

I met a boy who is just nine.

Stars in his eyes that shine.

He gave me a liquid, almost like brine.

The number of betrayals crossed it's line.

I met people who look fine.

Flowing in a river rhein.

Some propose offers, which I decline.

One stood out, who made me sign.

As all our scars will be align.

It's going to be so divine.

When I finally got something called 'mine'

I freakin' realised, it was another canine.

Tears brimmed my eyes, as I stood on coastline.

Still-lighted a melancholic shrine.

The inner child in me almost whine.

While the mature part shouts 'I am fine'.

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