Chapter 2

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Thirteen Years Earlier

August 2005

"Nana can't I just stay home?" Amalia pouted pushing the chicken and rice around her plate without taking a bite.

"No chica, now finish your food eh? The bus will be here soon."

"Please?" she asked, the desperation that she had managed to hide for most of the summer creeping into her voice. "I'm not going to know anyone and they've all been in junior high together for a year already. Please Nana, I don't want to." As much as the teenager tried to hide it, her large green eyes began to well with tears. "Can't I just stay home with you?"

The girl's plea tugged at Dora's heartstrings. She had let her stay home with her all summer and had not pushed her to go out and make friends, readily accepting the fibs of wanting to unpack and catch up on reading. While she was selfishly glad to keep her close those months after the accident, Dora knew that she needed to make friends in this new life to be happy. "No chica, you've stayed home all summer. And besides, if you don't go tomorrow you'll just have to go mañana to do it; just no one else will feel new too eh?" She had tried to make light of the conversation, to assuage the girl's fears as well as her own. She leaned forward and took Amalia's cheeks in between her hands. "Mira, you are strong and brave, I know that this is scary for you. A new town, a new home, but they will love you." Amalia still looked unsure. "Come here chica." Dora pushed her chair out and motioned for her to come sit in her lap.

"Nana, I'm too big. I'm going to squash you!"

"What? Pft." The old woman pretended to look offended. "What, you're too old to sit in my lap eh?"

"Nana," Amalia started to smile.

"Aye Mira, too embarrassed? You no longer mi chica eh?" The old lady chuckled.

Amalia would always be her little girl, it did not matter how old she was. From the moment that the Kane's had brought her home from the hospital, all bruised, and so tiny she could fit in the palm of her hand she had loved her. Dora Santos had started working for John and Julia Kane fourteen years ago, before Amalia was even a twinkle in her mother's eye. She had heard from her sister that a family from the local church had been inquiring around needing help with some light household work during the week. The couple had just moved to the area and the larger house coupled with their hectic work schedules was proving to be more than they could manage. She had arrived at the modest suburban San Diego home, unsure of what to expect. When she rang the doorbell, a rather harried looking young man opened the door.

"Eh, um eres Dora Santos?" He attempted.

She smiled despite herself, "I speak English Señor."

"Oh, um right." He looked a bit crestfallen. "I speak a bit of Spanish, took it in high school. Julia says that it's elementary level, but I think I've got it down a bit more than that. Um, por favor pasa?" He stepped back with a large smile on his face. Clearly hoping that his point had been made correctly.

"Yes, thank you," she said with a chuckle walking through the door.

"Oh, right, sorry" the man stuck out his large hand, "John Kane. It's a pleasure to meet you!" He said with a huge smile.

Dora shook his hand; he had a good handshake, firm and friendly. She always judged a man based on his handshake.

"Julia!" He hollered as he walked Dora through the entrance hall still full of boxes and packing material.

As she was lead into the bright living room, she noticed a young woman making her way down the stairs. The woman was about the same height as her husband with long blonde hair that brushed her mid back.

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