'I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in.'

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Monday 7th October 2030.

'Mum.' A voice calls out, coming closer. 'Miss Healy wants to see you.' Her daughter says, looking around for her siblings. She smiles at someone behind Dianne, before turning her face back up to her mum.

'What have you done now?' Her mother asks the child, scanning the playground for the other two kids. The girl shrugs, running her hands through her ponytail. She waves the two boys down, who coming running up to her. 'I have to go and see your sister's teacher.' She tells them. 'Stay here.' She walks up to the classroom, knocking on the door. The young woman motions for her to come in. She can hear the children talking behind her, one of the boys asking their sister if she's okay. She smiles to see that her kids have such a nice relationship.

'Good afternoon Mrs Sugg.' Dianne smiles, her daughter's teacher is very nice. She's not had any issues with the woman, and her daughter seems to really like her.

'What has she done?' The young woman shakes her head, taking Dianne by surprise.

'Amelia hasn't done anything. We are a bit concerned about her.' Dianne furrows her eyebrows. 'We've noticed she keeps zoning out in class, she's sometimes a bit unresponsive.' Dianne nods, Amelia was a bit of a daydreamer. That had always been the case, right from when she was little. 'At first.' The woman starts. 'I thought that might just be her.' She trails off, Dianne doesn't quite know what she is getting at. 'Then she had an episode in assembly today.'

'An episode?' The younger woman nods.

'She wouldn't stand up, and it looked like she was going to faint, she didn't.' The woman reassures Dianne. 'She did fall over, but she insisted that she was okay. She also wet herself, but no one else saw.' Dianne nods as the woman pauses, knowing her daughter would be so embarrassed at this. 'It was witnessed by the nurse, who had come in to talk about spreading germs this winter.'

'Okay.' Dianne draws out, still unsure where this conversation is going. She can tell that the teacher isn't quite sure how to phrase this, clearly not a conversation she's had before.

'She asked me if she had epilepsy?'

'Epilepsy?' She nods,

'I said not that I am aware of.' Dianne nods, her daughter didn't have epilepsy. 'She also said I should bring it up with you, because she thinks she might have it.'

'Oh.' That's the only comment she receives from the red-head, clearly taken aback from what she has just said. 'Thank you. I will look into getting an appointment.' She leaves the room confused, she isn't really sure what has just happened.

'Am I in trouble?' Her daughter asks, as Dianne joins the three kids. Dianne shakes her head, pulling the oldest child in close.

'No baby girl.' She presses a kiss to her head, she makes the most of this at the moment. Before long, Amelia would be in secondary school and everything that comes with that, but for now she savours these little moments. 'No, you aren't, but you and I will have a conversation when we get back home.' She nods, as the two boys come up to her. 'And how are my monkeys?' Dianne grins at the pair of identical faces that have appeared in front of her.

'Is Melie in trouble?' Noah asks, grinning slightly. They are usually the ones in trouble, so the idea that their older sister is, clearly pleases the pair of them. Dianne shakes her head. 'Ohh damn.'

'Where did you learn that word?' Dianne questions the eight-year-old. He has the decency to look embarrassed. She sighs, the look on his face gives him away. 'Daddy.' He shrugs as they reach the car. Dianne unlocks it, as they all get in. The journey home isn't long, ten minutes at most, with traffic. 'Have you got homework?' She asks them, all three of them nod.

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