The fight

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"Jeremy!" The tall man yells, an older man runs outside, he stops "more?" They stand in front of Alex and carter, they back up and stand tall, trying to intimidate them, the two men smile and a woman runs outside followed by another man

"What the hell jeremy!" The woman yells "are they with amber?" Alex and carter look at each other and back up, they turn around and run into the woods, they come back a couple min later, this time in human form, they walk up to all of them, "where...

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"What the hell jeremy!" The woman yells "are they with amber?" Alex and carter look at each other and back up, they turn around and run into the woods, they come back a couple min later, this time in human form, they walk up to all of them, "where is she....where is amber!" Carters voice floods with anger, apparently making the men feel like they want to hurt amber "you can't have her!" Jeremy yells, Alex walks up and throws a left hook at Jeremy and knocks him down, clay runs up and pushes Alex on the ground, he pulls him up by his collar and starts punching him, carter runs up and Alex ducks, carter kicks clay in the chest, causing him to stumble back, clays fist is inches from carters face, they all stop and freeze when they hear a loud howl coming from the woods,

They all turn to the woods, coming out of the woods is Samuel in his wolf form, all of them but Alex and carter gasp at his Giant form, carter turns to all of them "your all in deep shit now" clay pushes carter back, his and Alex walk over to Samuel as he runs up, "she's in that house" Jeremy steps up "your not taking the girl!" Samuel growls and walks closer, he walks up to Jeremy and stares up at him, he's about to jump on him but nick tackles him, pushing Samuel to the ground, Samuel growls and kicks nick off, landing on the ground next to him , he puts hit paw on his chest, his claws pierce nicks chest, small dots of blood soak nicks shirt, clay tries to run up but nick motions for him to stop "clay...don't" he whimpers through screams, after what feels like ages Samuel steps off him, he faces the rest of them, Jeremy steps closer, starting to intimidate him, Elena steps up "Jeremy don't!" Samuels eyes focus on Elena, showing his teeth and sniffing the air, he tries to pounce on Elena but is pulled back by, Logan, nick, clay and Jeremy, they grab his fur and his legs and pull him back, Elena
Runs in the house and down the stairs,

"Amber!" Amber stands up "what?....what's that noise!?" Elena Ryan up to the cage "wolfs....their here for you" ambers eyes widen "open the!" Elena opens the cage and amber runs out "don't come up he-" she look up the stairs as she hears a loud ear piercing bark, "Samuel" she curses under her breath, she runs up the stairs and outside, she sees nick on the ground bleeding form his chest, Logan hovering over him yelling and trying to stop the bleeding, Jeremy standing in front of Samuel, Samuel basically foaming from the mouth, Alex and carter and trying to fight off clay, Samuel raises up on his heels, towering over Jeremy, I run up and throw all my weight at Samuels side pushing him on the ground, my whole side starts to ache and throb, I try and get up as I see all of them staring at me, I'm knocked back on the ground by Samuel, his paws pin my arms to the ground, he hovers over me as I groan "stop!" His mouth wide open as he hovers over me

now!" Elena opens the cage and amber runs out "don't come up he-" she look up the stairs as she hears a loud ear piercing bark, "Samuel" she curses under her breath, she runs up the stairs and outside, she sees nick on the ground bleeding form his...

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"'s me...amber!" He stops growling and steps off me, he growls at Jeremy, I step in front of him "no" he stares up at me with the 'get out my way' look but I don't move, I look over at Alex and carter and they run up to me, I look down at Samuel and he turns and stares at Alex and carter, I turn to help nick, who is still bleeding but carter grabs my hand, he spins me around "let's. Go." His grip tightens around my wrist, and he drags me to the woods with him, the whole walk home was silent and none of us talked, carter drags me in the house, my dad is sitting in the dark, "leave" he growls, Alex and carter go to their rooms,

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