Amber heard was an ordinary girl...that's until her 19th birthday she got kidnapped and taken to a warehouse, they turned her.......into a werewolf, she was told that she served to destroy the danvers that live at Stonehaven....that she was supposed...
He gets up and walks up to me, anger fills his eyes
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He gets close to me "what happened out there?" He whispers, I panic "I was out on a run and they were in the woods, they saw me, their were too many...I tried to get away, they tazed me and threw me in a cage" he slowly nods "do they know?" I look up confused "wha-" "do they know your secret!" I jump "y....yes" he puts his hand over his face "god dammit amber!" He falls back in his chair, I stand awkwardly in the middle of the room "they have a woman like me....her name is e-" "I know" I look up "what?" He stands up and walks back over to me and backs me up to the counter "I said....I know, I kept you away from other wolfs because they would learn about you and try and take you....just like they tried to do with that girl at Stonehaven" I gasp "who are they?" He steps back "the danvers are a wolfs pack, they tried to rule over all the wolfs....but most didn't agree to their terms...Do you want to know why there are barely any wolfs left?" I tilt my head and he continues "because all the wolfs that didn't obey Jeremy went into hiding...because Jeremy would send his people to kill all of us that didn't obey him!" I gasp, Samuel grabs a beer form the fridge "don't. Go on anymore hunts or runs this week...because they have your scent now....they will try and find you" I nod and keep my head down as I walk past him and to my room, I shut the door behind me, i throw myself over on my bed, I stare at the bruises and cuts on my wrists form when my dad tackled me, I roll over and cry until I fall asleep, I wake up the next morning and stay in my room until I hear my dad leave
-at Stonehaven-
"Who the hell was that black wolf?!" Clay yells as him and Logan carry nick over to the dining room and put him on the table, Elena rips his shirt off and looks down at his blood soaked chest, she quickly grabs bandages and cloths, nick groans as Logan presses a cloth against the cuts in his chest, they wrap his chest up with bandages and he sits up on the table "I'm good" he groans as he takes a sip of water, Jeremy comes in with a file in his hand, he sets it on the table next to nick "that giant black wolf is someone who I thought and hoped was dead....his name is Samuel gray....he was an alpha, his father was born a wolf, a purebred, and his father was a big wolf, which made Samuels Wolf have those same qualities" Elena walks up and stares at the pictures in the file
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"Why did you think he was dead?" Elena asks out of curiosity, Jeremy looks through the file and pulls out a paper, he pointed to an article labeled 'the dead body of Samuel Grady found deep in the south creek woods' Jeremy continues "Samuel made everyone believe he was dead so wolfs would stop looking for him and he went off the radar, now I'm thinking that he's starting his own pack, he's taking kids and he's turning them, so far we know he has three, amber, Alex, and carter...and as we can tell, they are all very strong and very well trained in fighting and how to stay away from people and how to stay off the radar"