letters ii.

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there he sat, gilbert blythe. the boy anne has been waiting for since he left avonlea in pursuit to become a doctor. the candle lit up his face as darkness took over. she never thought her letters would bring him home. "tea?" he nodded and she poured two cups. he still had her letter clutched in his hand. silence filled the room. "i-"

"i-" they both spoke at once and laughed. she signaled for him to talk first. "i'm sorry for coming on such late notice, it's just i-i really wanted to see you." a blush crept on her cheeks. "and read all of your letters but you probably have to get up early so i should just head h-"

"please, stay, i insist. your house is oh so far and it is too dark. i'll set up the guest room." she lead him to the room down the hall from hers. "i'll be right down there, okay? g-goodnight gilbert." she changed into her night clothes and let her hair out of the bun it sat in. as she brushed her red locks, a box caught her eye. the letters. she was heading over to grab them when marilla appeared. 

"anne, please do tell me you let the man in the back bedroom in on purpose." anne pulled her into the room and explained everything happening. "anne, you need to show him the letters. not now but soon. goodnight." she kiss her forehead and left. 

looking at the old box, she picked it up and grabbed a candle that was barely keeping her room lit. silently, she waited outside the door. contemplating whether or not to open it. before she could get a thought out, the door opened which made her drop the box. letters lied all over the floor. he helped her pick them up and she walked into the room. "please, don't make a joke out of these. it was hard enough to stand out front of your door." he smiled and picked up the first letter. gilbert's lips spoke quietly as he read anne's handwriting. 

they both sat on the edge of his bed, nervous. letter number fifteen laid in his hand. "it's heavy." as he opened it. little pictures popped out. clearly drawn by a child. 

"i-i told my kids about you and how you were saving lives. they wanted to draw pictures of their hero, dr. blythe." he bit his lip as he smiled at all the drawings. the fact that anne talked about him made his heart skip a beat. more letters laid in a pile, awaiting to be open but the one he was reaching for had some deep feelings in there. letter eighteen. "gilbert, wait i-"

he put his hand on hers and continued to open the letter. he was left speechless by the beautiful words.

dearest gilbert,

i know i will not be sending this letter but there is something you should know. i love you. i have for awhile. although love doesn't even begin to explain the feelings and emotions i have for you. this love is like the first bloom of a absolutely beautiful flower in spring or the rainbow after a storm. i know our past has been sort of rocky but i hope to restart. restart a new life in avonlea as mature adults but unfortunately you are miles and miles away from me. this feeling will never leave me and i will always hold so much love for you in my heart. my hear it forever yours. i love you gilbert john blythe. truly.

love, anne shirley-cuthbert.

he looked up at the girl he has loved since she smacked him over the head with a slate. "i love you, anne. more than all the stars in the sky or fish in the sea. i love you." he tucked her red hair behind her ear as she smiled. he brought her into a long embrace and laughed. "thank you for waiting for me."

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