#5 - He finds out that you're insecure about...

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Harry: ...not being sexy! You sighed, looking at yourself in the dress that one of Harry's designers had said would best match his suit. It looked very nice, but... you felt uncomfortable! It was so tight that you felt as though you'd have to suck in your stomach the entire night, and it was so short that you were worried about your buttcheeks falling out. Harry walked in the dressing room as you were evaluating yourself, and immediately started to check you out. "Babe! You look... delicious." He said, eyes wide as he stared at you. You knew that you couldn't complain; the designers had invited you to try on the new dress, but it wasn't really like you had any other options. So, you smiled and said, "It's a beautiful dress." Harry could immediately see something was wrong. "Hey," He said softly, "What's wrong?" You frowned and looked back at yourself in the mirror, saying, "Nothing. I... I'm excited..." He walked over, wrapping his arms around you and raising one eyebrow at you in the mirror. He didn't need to say anything, you knew that that Harry face meant I don't believe anything you're saying. You giggled a bit and snuggled into the crook of his neck. "I just... I'm really uncomfortable. This dress is beautiful, but... I'm not this person. I'm not sexy, I don't walk around in mini skirts, I..." He stopped you by kissing you and then just said, "[Y/N/]. Firstly, you look absolutely amazing and yes, very sexy in this dress. Secondly... I want you to tell me when you feel this way. Because I will personally make it my mission to find you a dress you love." You smiled shyly and said, "But don't I have to match you?" He shook his head, "You don't have to do anything, babe. Except for pose for a picture in this dress, because you really do look gorgeous."

Louis...your lack of athleticism! "C'mon, love, pass the ball!" Louis shouted across the field as the football rolled near your feet. You sighed. Louis had decided to wake you up early that morning and bring you to the football field near your house. It was cold, and way too early for this, but you didn't want to disappoint the best boyfriend in the world, and so you moved to kick the ball back. The grass still had morning dew on it, though, and just as your foot was about to make contact, your other foot slipped, and you found yourself hitting the ground hard right on your bottom. You could hear the other guys laughing, and tried to stop your eyes from welling up with tears by covering them with the sleeves of your big sweater. A moment later, you felt a hand on your shoulder and Louis softly say, "[Y/N]?" You sniffled and moved your hands away from your face, not looking into his eyes. "Are you hurt?" He asked, and you stood up, refusing the hand he offered. It wasn't that you were mad at him, really, you just were so embarrassed. "[Y/N]?" He said again, and you turned to him, starting to rant: "I just can't keep up with all this stuff! I'm not athletic! I am probably the clumsiest person in the world, and I'm sorry but I'm just so bad at sports! I want to do these things with you and bond with you because I love you, but I just keep embarrassing myself-" Louis cut you off with a big hug. You sighed and hugged tightly back, wishing your back and bum weren't so wet with dew. He pulled away and looked at you, saying, "Listen, okay? I love you too. And I do these things because... I want to excite you, and surprise you, and I don't want to be a boring boyfriend. I want to play games with you because... well, honestly, I like to show off in front of you... but we never have to play sports again if you don't want to. I just want you to be happy." You smiled because you never thought that maybe he had been doing these things to impress you. "Louis, you're the best. You don't need to show off, I already know it." Louis bent in for a kiss, but his feet slipped on the dew. As he was falling, he grabbed onto you, and accidentally pulled you down with him. You both ended up laughing your arses off, cold and wet, but happy too.

Liam...not paying for anything! "One last thing, babe." Liam said as you both walked out of the fancy restaurant you'd been eating in. He kissed you on the cheek and then ran to his car to get something. You followed, feeling curious but a little apprehensive. He closed the door shut and faced you, smiling proudly as he handed you a little gift bag. "For my favourite girl," You smiled, not wanting to be ungrateful, and reached inside, pulling out a long jewelry box. Opening it, you found the most darling necklace you'd ever seen. You gasped, and Liam smiled even bigger, taking it for a sign that you were happy. Well, you were happy... but... "How much did this cost, Liam?" You asked. He wrapped his arms around you and said, "Doesn't matter. As long as you love it- and me." You smiled, and got into the car. The drive home was quiet, until you said, "I think I want to get a job." He looked incredulously at you before looking back at the road and saying, "What? Why?" You shrugged, looking at your hands folded in your lap. "I just... I don't know. I'd like to pay for dinner every once in a while." He laughed. "[Y/N], as long as you're with me, I won't let you pay for dinner. You're my baby girl and I work so that I can take care of you." You felt as though you were being just an ungrateful bitch, and you wished you could just shut up, but you'd been thinking about this a long time and couldn't help but say, "I don't want you to take care of me!" He was quiet for a second, and then pulled over to the side of the road. He turned to you, his eyes very serious, and said, "What do you mean?" "I don't mean it like that... I just... I'm not a doll you get to dress up! And I hate that you are the best boyfriend and you do so much for me and the only times I can ever do things for you, it's using your money! I hate feeling like I'll never be able to show you how much I care, because you're always so amazing and I'm just not!" He was quiet again, and you were worried that you'd made him mad. But then he reached over and grabbed both of your hands in his, and said, "I love you so much. I know that you care about me... it's not in the things that you give me, it's the things that you say and the way you look at me that assures me you'll love me forever. The reason I take you out and give you things is because I feel so guilty about not being around enough. I wish that I could just look at you and you'd know that I love you, but I just don't feel like I'm good enough by myself, sometimes. I feel like if I'm not making so much money to buy things for you, then... what's the point of working at all? Because it takes me away from you. And I honestly hate that it does." You teared up and gave him a slow, meaningful kiss. "Babe, I love you." You said. "So, so much." He smiled, tearing up too, and said, "I love you more than you know. And hey... I think Lou could use some help with makeup, if you really want to earn some of your own money." You nodded and smiled. "Okay."

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