#3 - He does the laundry!

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Louis: "[Y/N]?" "Yeah, Lou?" "What's your favourite colour?" "Red." Louis grinned and back down the hall where he'd come from. You shook your head at his confusing antics and turned back to your girlfriends all seated around your kitchen table. They were used to it and didn't ask. After your friends had left and you had finished washing the dishes, you decided to go look for Louis. He was usually somewhere close by and you were a little bit concerned that he hadn't shown his face since the colour question three hours ago. "Lou?" You called out. "Louis?" You heard the slow padding that you'd learned to associate with your boyfriend's feet, although he seemed to be walking slower than usual. He emerged from the laundry room with his fingernails between his teeth. You knew that look. "Oh no. What have you done?" Louis ran to you, wrapping his arms around you and trying to push you back down the hall. "Oh nothing sweetheart! Just doing some laundry! Have fun with the girls? Yay!" You pushed back and said, incredulously, "Louis! First of all, you did laundry? Second of all, stop pushing me!" He dropped his arms immediately, scared he'd hurt you, and said, "Sorry, I just... ah... well, have a look yourself." You walked into the laundry room and gasped. Strewn all over the floor was every white piece of clothing you owned -tinted pink-  with one red and white striped sweater in the middle of it.  "Louis! What have you done?" He stared at you, half behind the door frame, and whispered, "...the laundry?" You picked up the sweater and he walked into the room, saying, "Just let me explain, I wanted to wear something red tomorrow because we're going out and I wanted you to like what I was wearing, so I threw the sweater into the wash, but then when I opened it everything was pink! And I didn't know what to do." He was almost crying he was so distraught. You turned, looked him in the eye, and doubled over laughing. He broke a smile and soon enough you were both rolling around on the floor clutching your stomachs. When you finally caught your breath, you looked at your boyfriend lying in pink clothing next to you and said, "You know what? I change my mind. Pink's my favourite colour." And you kissed him.

Harry: "Hey babe, want to go to a party with me tonight?" Your boyfriend asked into the phone. You looked down at your clothing and pulled your cell closer to your ear. "Um... I don't know. I want to, but I really have nothing clean to wear and I have no time to clean anything!" You pushed your grocery cart into the next aisle, knowing you wouldn't be back home for the next couple of hours. Harry laughed. "[Y/N], I can do the laundry for you!" You paused. "I don't know, Haz..." "Oh come on, you have absolutely no faith in your boyfriend. Let me do this for you!" You laughed at his eagerness. "Alright. Thanks, babe. Pick something nice, alright? I don't want to look like a tramp in front of the paps!" He chuckled and said, "Don't you worry. See you tonight." "Alright. Love you." "Love you too." You hung up the phone and instantly began to wonder if Harry would be able to put together an outfit for you. British Style Icon my ass... you thought, but decided not to worry about it. Later that evening, you set all of your shopping bags on the kitchen counter and sighed with relief that the chores were done for the day. Letting curiosity get the best of you, you wandered into your room hoping to find Harry and find out what he'd washed for you. "Haz?" You called, and a grinning Harry Styles walked out of your bedroom. You did not like the look on his face one bit. "What are you grinning about?" He winked and walked back into the room. Rolling your eyes, you followed behind him and saw laying on the bed three outfits. Only they weren't outfits... they were your lingerie. "Take your pick." Harry whispered into your ear. "Very funny! What else did you wash?" You asked, turning and peeking around him to look at the clothes hamper. It seemed that all of your dirty clothes were still there. You looked back at him expectantly and he smiled. "Nothing." You smiled back as he pulled you closer. "Guess we aren't going to the party, then?" "Guess not."

Liam: "Shit, shit, shit...." You quickly dialed Liam's number and waited impatiently for him to pick up. "Heeey babe!" you heard after the second ring. "Hey, are you at home?" "Yeah... just got here, actually. Are you coming soon? I miss my favourite working girl." "Liam, I won't BE a working girl if you don't do me a really huge favour right now!" "Sure, anything." You looked down at your now ruined dry cleaning, and sighed, saying, "Can you do the laundry? I spilled coffee all over my work outfit for tomorrow and I have a meeting!" "Sweetheart, calm down," Liam said softly, and with the sound of his soothing voice you already began to calm. "I'll do the wash right now. I love you, okay? Don't wear yourself out." You let out a small smile, marvelling at your luck for meeting such a nice guy, and said, "Thanks Li. I love you too. You're the best." When you finally got home, Liam met you at the front door. From the panicked look on his face, you knew it wasn't good news. "What? What's wrong?" You asked quickly. He pulled your hand and started to explain on the way to your bedroom. "I thought I was doing everything right, I even looked it up online, I mean I haven't done laundry in a good while but I thought that it'd be okay, and, I'm so sorry {Y/N], I really am!" As he finished his sentence you saw what he was apologizing for. Lying on your bed was all of your best working clothes... and they were all completely shrunk. "I tried to stretch some out... but it just made them worse." You kept staring at the clothing and Liam wrapped his big arms around you, turning you to face him. Looking you straight in the eyes, he said, "[Y/N], I am truly sorry. I wanted to do something for you because you've been working so hard lately, and..." he looked away. "...I ruined it." You sighed, knowing it wasn't really his fault. "Liam, it's okay. The loss isn't in the clothing... now that I'm making my own money, I can buy myself more clothes. It's just... what am I going to do about the meeting tomorrow?" He perked up a bit and said, "Hold on!" He ran to your shared closet and shuffled around in it a bit before emerging with one of your party dresses. "I know it's a bit flashy... but paired with this blazer, I mean, I think it looks quite professional! And I know you'll look amazing in it. What do you think?" You smiled at him and said, "It's great, actually. Thanks, Li." He sat on the end of the bed and pulled you onto his lap, laying his head on your shoulder. "I really am sorry, love." You smiled and kissed his forehead. "It's fine. I'll teach you to do the laundry, okay? I'll be the working spouse and you can be the doting housewife." He grinned up at you and said, "Can I wear my batman apron?"

Niall: "Oh, Niall, come on!" You laughed, staring at his previously white shirt. He had spilt sloppy joe all over it, not to mention smeared it on his face and arms too. He blushed, his ears going red, but grinned and announced proudly, "I won the competition! I ate the most out of everyone at the fair!" You patted his shoulder, one of the only places that seemed safe to touch at the moment, and said, "I'm sure the paps had a field day. Now I don't think that stain will come out easily... you're going to have to bleach it, I think." He nodded and said, "No problem-o, mamacita. Let me just wash up and I'll start a new load of laundry." You gave him a peck on the forehead, another clean spot, and said, "Thanks babe. Can you throw in our bedsheets too?" "Yes ma'am." You smiled and went to make some tea. Being five months pregnant, your young husband had decided to help out more around the house, refusing to let you near any cleaning products. Niall had been doing a great job at it so far; you felt very lucky to have such a considerate man be the soon-to-be father of your child. A little while later, a very confused-looking Niall Horan walked into your living room holding your bedsheets- only they had patches of yellow and really didn't look very appealing. "I don't get it!" Niall exclaimed, sitting next to you on the couch. "I put the bleach in like I'm supposed to." You grabbed the blankets and examined closer. The smell seemed strange, but familiar... and suddenly it clicked in your head. You started to giggle, and said, "Niall? Did... did you use your hair bleach?" He scratched his head, blushing again, and said, "Er, yeah... it was all I could find. Is that bad?" You started giggling some more and tried to stifle it by covering your mouth. Niall frowned and said, "That was dumb, wasn't it?" "Sweetheart, your hair dye is blonde. It's not the white bleach we use for the laundry." His whole face turned red and he stood up swiftly, saying, "Well you don't have to laugh!" You stopped laughing and stood up slowly, clutching your belly as you did. "Oh, Nialler, stop! Come back." He walked back slowly, wrapping one arm around your waist and resting his other hand on your stomach. You smiled up at him. "You have to admit, it's a little funny." He smiled and kissed your nose. "I guess... just don't tell the guys, alright?" You laughed again. "I won't, promise. Our little secret."

Zayn: You rushed into the laundromat, dropping a quarter while trying to juggle your two garbage sacks full of clothing. "Shit!" You bent down slowly, noticing that there was only one other person in the place, and he was staring at you. You'd think he'd offer to help... you thought grumpily, but let it slide, knowing you shouldn't take your stress out on random people. Finally balancing upright again, you looked up to realize that every single washer was in use. You glanced incredulously at the stranger in front of you, and your temper got the better of you. "Really? Do you really have that much clothing?" His eyes widened and he blushed a bit, reaching up to grab at his dark hair. "Um... sorry. Those four over there are almost finished..." You realized that you had been a bit harsh and sighed, throwing your bags onto the floor next to a machine. You sat against it and said, "Sorry. I'm just pissy. Please ignore me." You heard him chuckle and he walked over, sitting at the machine across from you. "Anyone who has to do their washing in a place like this is allowed to be a little pissed off." You smiled and looked up at him, getting the first real glimpse of him. Your stomach tightened up as you realized that he was really damn cute. It was quiet for a bit while you tried to not feel like a complete dumbass; he broke the silence again by coughing into his elbow and saying, "These aren't all my clothes... if you're wondering. I'm in a band and we're touring across the country right now. The tour bus was starting to stink, so... I got put on wash duty." You laughed and said, "Wow. You're in a band? What do you play?" Conversation was a bit easier after that, and soon his first four loads were done and you were able to wash your clothes. You watched as he began to shove clothes into backpacks. "You know, you'd save a lot of room if you rolled those up." He looked up and you locked eyes, taking your breath away for a moment. How does anyone get used to this boy? you thought, but kept it to yourself. "I'm not sure... it would take forever for me to roll everything up myself..." You grinned, catching the drift, and said, "I'll help." You ended up staying at the laundromat two hours longer than you'd originally planned; but you didn't regret a second of it. Not only did it completely lift your mood- the end of the night was rather magical. "I'm impressed. I brought all of those clothes here in ten bags, and now I'm only using six... I'm showing the lads this trick." You laughed at the young man, whose name you had learned was Zayn, and you stepped a bit closer. "Do you need any help bringing those to your bus?" He put down the last backpack and stepped closer too. "Yeah, actually. But first... well, the boys will probably scare you off, so before that happens, I just want to do this..." and he touched the back of your neck softly, bringing your face slowly closer to his. You knew he was being careful, because he didn't know if you wanted him to do this or not; but oh, you did. You brought your face up to his and kissed under the flickering neon laundromat sign. 

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