#4 - He's your brother's friend!

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Harry: You rolled your eyes as another loud crash reached your ears from downstairs- your brother and his idiot friends were back from the bar, apparently. You had been lying on your bed all night with a trigonometry textbook open in front of you, but you hadn't made much progress and the laughing and shushing coming from downstairs was certainly not helping. Sighing, you decided that no more progress would be made that night, and flipped the cover closed. You were just sitting up to change into your pajamas when a timid knock came to the door. It opened slowly, and a mop of hair over a handsome, yet flushed face popped into the room. It was Harry, your brother's best friend. You weren't used to seeing him around much anymore since he'd become the legal drinking age, but you weren't exactly upset to see him either. "Er... I can't drive home, and... the couches are full..." he stumbled further into the room, steadied himself, blushed at his intrusion, walked back out, stuck his head back into the room, and said, "Could I bunk in here for the nigh'?" You thought about it for a moment, and decided that you could sleep in your parent's bed for the night. "I suppose so. Let me just..." but before you could finish your sentence, Harry had flopped down onto the bed beside you and burrowed his face into your pillow. Slightly trapped between him and the wall, you paused awkwardly for a moment before trying to get off the bed. Without a word, Harry turned and grabbed you gently by the waist, pulling you down to cuddle. At first, you were a bit freaked out- but it soon became obvious that Harry wasn't pulling any sexual moves on you; he was just drunk, and apparently needed something to cuddle with to fall asleep. Well... you thought, this would be a nice way to get back at my brother for interrupting my studying. Happy with your excuse to cuddle your brother's cute friend, you gave up to the embrace and settled in to sleep.

 Zayn:  "To the bride and groom!" Your father said, and everyone cheered and raised their wine glasses. Your brother's wedding was beautiful; there were pink and white flowers everywhere and not a frowning face in the room- well, almost. You were standing in the back of the hall, trying to take care of your out-of-his-mind drunk boyfriend. He was sitting with his back to a wall with his face in a bowl. You were beyond pissed at this point- it was your brother's wedding, a day that was supposed to be special- and you couldn't even be there for the toasts. Your eyes were just starting to fill up with tears of frustration when your brother's best man, Zayn, tapped you on the shoulder. "Hey," he said softly, "Just wanted to check up on you. Doesn't seem like..." he looked down at your boyfriend, "you're having the best time." You blushed, embarrassed, and hoped that Zayn didn't blame you for the party-ruiner your date turned out to be. "I'm sorry." You said simply, and your eyes started to tear up again. A moan was heard from your boyfriend, and he slid further down the wall. Zayn shook his head at him and looked back to you. "Hey, it's alright. Here, come here." He pulled a stylish handkerchief out of his breast pocket and began to wipe the makeup from under your eyes. "I've known you my whole life; I've watched you grow up, basically. And I know that you're not one to let one person spoil your entire evening. Listen- how about I watch him for a bit while you go and make your speech, yeah?" You looked straight into his eyes, trying to gage his sincerity, knowing Zayn must be serious but unwilling to believe how nice he could really be. After a moment, you said, "Yeah. Thank you." He smiled and tucked the handkerchief back into his pocket. "You're welcome. You look fantastic, by the way. " You smiled. "Thanks." You turned to leave but turned back and said, "You know what's funny? I caught the bouquet earlier and I thought it was a sign. But.. I suppose not." You gestured towards your boyfriend and laughed. Zayn gave a half-smile and said, "Maybe it was... but for a different man." You smiled again. "Yeah... maybe."

Niall: "Hey Y/N," You looked up to see your brother's friend walking into the living room where you were currently set up. "Whatcha doin?" You smiled at him and responded, "Hey Niall. Just trying to learn a new song." He had actually interrupted a very frustrating guitar session, but you didn't want to admit the amount of trouble you'd been having. Niall plopped down on the couch next to you, leaning closer to examine the music sheet that had been zoomed into on your laptop. "Let's hear it, then." He said finally, and turned to look at you expectantly. You blushed and tried to think of a way to change the subject so you wouldn't have to show him how little progress you'd made. "Er, where's my brother?" Niall laughed. "He's in the toilet. Not sure how long he's gonna take, but judging by the meal we just had, I think I have time to listen to you play." He then perched his head on his fists and smiled at you. You looked away to try to stop the butterflies from fluttering in your stomach and admitted defeat: "I'm actually having some trouble with it." Niall's smile got even wider as he said, "Even better! Now I get to help you!" You smiled as the irish boy took your guitar from you and placed his fingers on the appropriate frets. "Alright, so, the key is..." Niall spent the next twenty minutes explaining in detail the tips and tricks of playing guitar, and by the end you had to force yourself to stop smiling like an idiot because your cheek muscles were beginning to wear down. Too soon, your brother came into the living room and said, "Well, that was an event. Nialler, let's go." You frowned and started to thank Niall for the help, but before you could even get the words out, he said, "Actually lad, we were just starting to make some progress with this, you mind waiting a bit?" And the pain in your cheeks came back.

Louis: "Go Pennfield!" You yelled with your hands cupped around your mouth. Your friends had come along with you to cheer your brother on as his college's football team played what could be their last game of the season. You were hoping it wouldn't be, because if they won this game they would go on to the match that would declare the first and second place winners. "I don't care if it's weird, [Y/N], your brother is hot!" Your best friend yelled at you over the din of the crowd. You pretended to stick your finger down your throat, crossing your eyes, and she laughed. You smiled, until she added, "And his friend Louis isn't bad either, eh?" You turned darker shade of red, but hoped that it would be excused seeing as the night was very cold. Pulling your blue and white (to match the team colours) toque farther over your ears, you said, "Oh, I hadn't noticed." She laughed and replied, "Yeah, right." Thankfully, your brother had just passed the ball to Louis who had managed to kick it powerfully into the net, less than an inch away from the goalie's ear. Your group stood up and screamed, you starting a chant of "Tom-lin-son! Tom-lin-son!" To your surprise, he looked right over at you in the stands and blew you a kiss. It was directed to the group, not just me... you thought, but your heart fluttered just the same. My brother would kill me if he knew I liked his friend... After the game had ended with a beautiful victory for their team, your best friend and yourself hopped off the bleachers and ran onto the field to meet the team. You gave your brother a big hug and then punched him in the arm, saying, "Congrats, but you totally faked that fall in the second half!" while he grinned giddily. He became distracted by some of your friends wanting to congratulate him, and you turned to back away a bit- right into Louis' face. "Well if it isn't my biggest fan!" He said, smiling at you. You blushed, trying not to notice how cute he looked with his hair all windswept and his ears and nose bright red from the cold. "Am not." He raised an eyebrow. "You sure? My mistake. Must've been someone else cheering my name out there." You giggled and said, "Alright, I started it... but it was a really good goal! Doesn't mean I'm your biggest fan!" He stole the toque off your head and put it on, saying, "No matter. If you aren't my biggest fan, you must be my good luck charm, because I don't think I've ever played half so well." You knew it was a lie, seeing as you'd been to all of their games and he'd played well every time. You let it slide, though, not minding the title. "Hey," he yelled to the team, "What say you all we celebrate at Nando's?" The team roared their approval, and you smiled and said, "Have fun." He looked at you, grinned, and said, "You're coming with, missy. I need to borrow this hat for much longer, and I do believe I owe my biggest fan and good luck charm a coke, at the least."

Liam:  "Alright, alright, no presents yet! We haven't opened our Christmas Crackers!" Your dad's voice rang down the hall, louder than usual to be heard over the "I Saw Three Ships" that was playing in the background. Your cousins all ran to the table and began pairing up with their crackers in hand. You looked over the scene, smiling, then walked over to help your brother and his friend Liam decorate the Christmas tree. Your brother was decked out head to toe in an elf uniform, singing along to the songs as they played, but Liam seemed less into it. He was in between concerts for his tour, and although he was an insanely famous pop star, you'd never seen him as more than your brother's cute older friend. He frowned at the ornaments on the tree and said, "Hey, mate, I'm going to go and get some... eggnog." With that he was gone. Your brother shrugged and kept humming, but you could see that there was something wrong, and so you decided to follow Liam into the kitchen. He was leaning against the counter, staring at the floor, and he looked quite sad. "Hey," you said, "you alright?" He looked up and smiled at you but he didn't seem too cheery. "Yeah." Thinking he was probably weirded out about your family's Christmas enthusiasm, you went to lean on the counter next to him and said, "Sorry my family is so mad about Christmas. I guess we go a little bit overboard..." He shook his head and said, "No, I actually really like it! It's just that it reminds me a lot of home... " You instantly felt ashamed and said, "Oh, god. You must wish you were with your family, don't you? I didn't even realize. I'm sorry." He smiled down at you. "It's alright. This is definitely the next best thing I could be doing. Your family has some amazing Christmas rituals." You blushed and said, "They're a bit crazy." "Well, I know of one that isn't too bad. And I would never be able to do it if I were at home." You looked at him questioningly, then looked up to where he was pointing. A mistletoe was hung right between the two of you. You began blushing again and was about to say something, but as soon as you looked back at him he leaned in and kissed you. 

Thanks for reading, guys!! If you made it all the way to the end, please comment below telling me which boy is your favourite and which preference you, well, preferred! :)


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