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Pandora's POV
For the past two weeks I've been letting my ribs heal. I went to the gang doctor and she said they were healed. I ran out of the house to my car and drove to the bar. Once I pulled in I ran to managers office. Jackie.

Me- Jackie. I need a fight.

To let you know I'm angry. Weston brought home a bimbo last night and they had clothes wed before Asta walked in and killed the bimbo.

Jackie looked at me.

Jackie- go down to the ring right now.

I nodded and went through the door in her office down to the ring. I saw my opponent and saw Weston and Axel in the stands.

Whatever. I walked out and climbed into the ring. Dan is the announcer

Dan- And welcome back the grim reaper. The fight his a til death as these two fought before.

I'm undefeated. The bell dinged twice. The guy went to kick my ribs but I caught his kick and he fell onto his ass. I straddled him and threw punch after punch. I did a punch at his nose upward and he was lifeless. I got up and out of the ring.

I walked to the trainers room and washed my hands and wrapped them. I ran back up the stairs to Jackie's office. Axel and Weston both leaning against the wall looking at me. I handed Jackie half the money. Which is one mil. I got one mil.

Jackie- fight til death fight eh

I shrugged.

Jackie- want to get a drink.

I shook my head no. She walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged back and then I ran out of her office to my car. I sped off over three hundred mph as that's how fast my car can go.

I sped up faster and faster until it couldn't go anymore. I slowed down as I neared the cliff. Soon I stopped my car and got out.

I looked down from the cliff. A stream was down below. Tears blurred my vision. I turned my car on and turned the radio on. It was playing depressing music. I laid on top of my car staring up at the sky. Soon I head a car pull up. I didn't even bother looking. Soon I heard a gun cock and I looked. A police officer. It was joe

Joe- long time no see Pandora. Now. Make this easy and get on your knees and hands on your head.

I nodded. What more do I have to lose. I pulled my gun out and put it on safety mode and tossed it to him. Weston and Axel pulled in.

Joe- and the knifes.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my four knives out and sat them on the ground.

Joe- on your knees and hands on your head.

I slowly dropped to my knees and out my hands on my head. Weston's eyes were tearing up while Axel had to hold him back.

Axel mouthed to me 'we will get you out of there'. I did a nod. Joe seemed confused.

Joe- your serving a lot of time. You had a whole life ahead of you and you ruined it by doing dumb shit.

I looked down and soon I was being cuffed. He put shackles on me. Axel and Weston looked at me sadly. I was roughly pulled up and shoved in the back of the car. Then he started to drive off. Another car hit us and the car rolled.
End of POV

Weston's POV
Me- what are we going to do dad

Dad- get her back. I know you love her. She's apart of the family. M

I nodded and we pulled out. North got out from the back earlier to take Pandora's car back to the house.

When we got home on the news was about an officer who was in an accident. The prisoner was kidnapped.

Me- Pandora

Mom- we know. We are trying to do our best but the other car had no plates. When they took Pandora she was out from the impact of the hit which had caused her to hit her head. She looked to be in a pretty tough state
My mom said

She hasn't looked at me since the bimbo came.

Me- mom. I'm sorry.

Mom- you shouldn't be apologizing to me. It should be Pandora. It should have been done already but you chickened out. You broke her son.

With that she walked out of the room. Phoebe was staring at the TV frozen. Paul rubbed her back reassuringly while his other arm was wrapped around my cousins waist. Sally's. Those two are dating.
End of POV

Pandora's POV
I woke up chained in a seat. I slowly took a Bobby pin from my hair and picked the lock but soon I was being chained to a wall. By my father.

Dad- welcome home Pandora.
He said kindly

Me- why am I in a cell

Dad- you would have tried to escape to go back with Weston

Me- why would I. He cheated on me.

Dad- ahh. You let feelings get in the way did you.

Me- feelings are good to have.

He smacked me in the face and left.

Four months later

I'm still being hit around. Well the face. You see. They stopped with my lower body as I am four months and two weeks pregnant.

I heard gun shots and I huddled in my corner more. I had my hands cuffed and shackles on my ankles. I leaned my head against the stone wall.

Me- stupid father.
I muttered

I wish I at least got a mattress or even a foam mattress but no. I'm a whore and don't deserve to have a bed according to my Bastard father.

Soon Asta walked in with my mom. They ran to me and unchained me. My mom handed me a vest. I put it on.

Me- mom.
I whispered

She looked at me

Me- your going to be a grand mother

Both her and Asta started squealing. Axel and Weston both walked in. I forgave Weston as I had time to think.

Weston ran to me and hugged me. I hugged back.

Axel- what's wrong with them.

Asta- I'm going to be a grandma

Mom- me too

Weston- is it mine
He asked worried

I nodded my head yes. Axel was smiling. Weston pulled me into another hug but tighter. I hugged him back.

Me- I missed you.

Weston- I've missed you more

Me- we'll see about that. Now can we please leave this cell. I've been here to long and there is no way to make it homey.

Mom- where's you bed

Me- according to the bastard that kidnapped me said I was to much of a whore to deserve a bed.

Mom- you aren't a whore. Your 20
Now as your birthday was two months ago

Me- yeah I know. Let's gooooo.

Everyone chuckled. Weston held me against his side protectively. His arm gripping my waist.

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