wHY dOeS tHiS sYnDrOmE eXIST

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Before I start:
Please no dirty jokes about this ;v;

Ok sO-

I just learned tonight that this thing I have is actually a syndrome :0

My mom (who is studying in the medical field, so I trust what she says) told me that it was a syndrome

Anyway, the thing I have is where I have to have something in my mouth

My mom had this too-
Except hers was sucking on like a straw or something and mine is chew

i hAD A GLOWSTICK BUT MY DAD TOOK IT yeah yeah I know it's dangerous bUT I WASN'T GONNA BITE THROUGH IT!!!!!

Here are the things I've tried that don't work and why:

Especially the weak plastic ones (like from fast food places), they're too floppy and just no. But for like hard plastic ones it's just cause they're too hard and have a hole-

-plastic fork
Just no-

Too hard and I don't like the taste of wood
(fun fact: I forgot the word for chopstick and was trying to remember but gave up so I just said "those stick thingy things that you pick up the stuff with???" (I just noticed I forgot what the word food was-) I sounded so very confused and my arms were like waving around. My step dad asked "what stuff?" he sounded kinda confused. "th-the stuff you eAT TO STAY ALIVE" my sister was dYING at my dumbass self. My step dad looked at me "food??" he asked and I nodded. "do- oh my god- do you mean chopsticks???" he looked like he was gonna explode from laughter when I nodded) (I do that a lot- forget normal words-)

Things that I've tried and acTUALLY WORK:

They're just perfect :'0

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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