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The teacher won't talk to us anymore. After I started questioning him he seems to have gotten startled. My smile won't be taken down. We will escape.

"Seul Mi what are you doing?" Woojin whispers as he sits next to me.

"He thinks of this as a game, a test and a death trap. If he wants us to play then we should play. Sadly I don't think he actually wants us to win this game. He wants to be in control but if we don't give it to him then he won't get what he wants" I whisper to him.

"So you are trying to take the control out of his hands?" He asks whispering.

"Yes, he thinks he's god at the moment with our lives in his hands. But if we switch who's in control then he will get scared. If he's scared then he will faulter. If that happens he might just tell us how to get out himself without realising it" I say whispering.

"Smart but how do we switch who's god?" He asks.

"Don't listen to what he says. Do the opposite to what rules he's given us. Act like we don't care we're locked in" I whisper.

"How?" He asks.

"Like this" I whisper.

I turn our bodies back to the front so the creep can see what I'm about to do. Let the game begin!

My mouth hits Woojins as he is surprised with my actions but goes with it. His hands go around my waist as my hands go into his hair. I close my eyes as I act like a devious teenage, hormonal girl who just got her first boyfriend.

As we break our make out session we're faced with shocked faces of the other guys.

Woojin gets up and explains to Chanbin. I should to but I can't make it look like I'm telling them something. Okay first it will be Jeongin. I really don't want to wreck his innocence but I don't have a choice.

I get out of my chair and walk over to where Jeongin and Felix sit on the other side of the room. As I finally reach them I sit on Jeongin slap as I sling my arms over his shoulders causing his face to heat up.

I hug him.

"Jeongin, starting now we will go against the teachers rules. Act like he isn't there. Just like what me and Woojin did, act reckless" I whisper as I break the hug.

He nods but his face is still bright red. Mine is also red but thankfully the creepcnat see since my back is to the camera.

I jester Felix over to me as I still sit on Jeongin lap.

"Don't listen to teach, act like he isn't there" I say as I stand up off Jeongin lap and swing my arms over Felix's shoulders as Jeongin follows us.

Act like it's the last day of the week and the teacher is home sick. Our test is cancelled and we have a free period.

This will be a piece of cake!


Our day continues and soon most of us are tiered. Since we still have to act me and Jeongin sleep next to each other as if we're cuddling and the rest are sprawled out as if it's a hot summers night and the only way to get to sleep comfortably is by having everyone of their limbs spread into different directions.

Even Felix and Changbin looked like a cute gay couple with Felix head resting in Changbin's stomach as they slept.

For that night I felt happy. I didn't feel like I was being watched by a murderer. I felt at peace. Even if we didn't make it out, I'm glad we didn't just give up.

Soon my eyes gave up and I had a dreamless sleep.


Waking up to Jeongin slapping my cheek was not what I was expecting.

"Seul Mi I'm hungry" he whines.

"Ya what do you want me to do?" I ask him annoyed that he ruined my sleep.

"Well I don't know" he says pouting.

"Whine to the teacher about it" I say as he shakes his head.

"Fine I will" I say getting up as my bones crack and pop back into place.

"Ya teacher, were hungry get us something to eat!" I yell at the camera.

... nothing, he doesn't even say no.

"Ya stop being rude and give us food" I shout.

"Ya!" I yell again.

Still not one reply.

"Asshole, can't even feed his victims" I mutter as I walk a back to Jeongin.

"Agh I'm hungry Seul Mi" he whines as I sit next to him.

"Go tell him that, I'm not the one holding you guys hostage" I say closing my eyes.

"Ya I'm hungry" he says again shaking me.

"Do you want me to shit you something to eat?" I ask him as he scrunches his nose up and walks over to Seungmin and whines.

I close my eyes again, sadly I'm too awake to go back to sleep.

"Fuck it" I say as I get up.

"Can someone give me a massage?" Hyunjin asks as he lays on three desks joint together, his legs still dangle from the end though.

"Sure but you have to take off your shirt" I say earning him to wiggle his eyebrows at me.

"What?" I ask him.

"You asking me to strip?" He asks smirking.

"You Want a massage or my foot up your ass?" I ask him raising my eyebrows.

"I'll go the first option" he say staking off his shirt.

As I hit his back he keeps hissing at me.

"What?" I ask him.

"What kind of massage is that?" He asks.

"My kinda massage" I say.

"Well no thanks" he says sitting up and putting his shirt back on.

"What? I was being nice and you just be an ass" I say glaring at him.

"I wouldn't be one if your messages weren't shit" he says walking away as I glare at his back.

"SHUT UP, STOP BEING BRATS AND BEHAVE" The creep yells as I smirk a little as I know my idea is working.

"Well if you fed us we would listen but do I see and burgers coming in or pizza or even a proper bed for us to sleep?" I ask him my voice raising.

"Your my victims why should I spoil you?" He asks.

"Um since were your victims obviously. I don't give a shit about us being locked up but at least give us a bed" Minho says joining in.

"I want some cola too" Jeongin shouts.

"Can we also have an aircon it gets hot lately" Chan says using his hand to cool himself as he sits in the desk.

"If you guys misbehave once more your three days will go and I'll leave you to die in here" his voice warmed.

"If you let us meet you we will behave but if you don't then we will continue to not care" I say.

"Fine I'll come now" he said as the cameras red light stopped beeping.

He is on the way.

"Guys get ready" Woojin tells us as we wait at the locked door.

It's your turn to suffer.

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